Example sentences of "[vb pp] and had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ the manufacturer had known that the fuel tank on its subcompact Pinto was defectively designed and had consciously decided to proceed with production in spite of the potential hazards .
2 The body was badly decomposed and had been in the water for a long time .
3 The plane had been expected and had come in unchallenged , and would fly away again in total safety .
4 The roads were potholed and had received little maintenance since 1944 .
5 They had been unable to find the target , but had dropped and had become widely scattered .
6 Some were catapulted out of smashed windows , while others were trapped and had to be cut free .
7 It is alleged that Mr Buckley was severely injured in the explosion and that Sutherland knew he was trapped and had not told the emergency services that anyone was in the blazing house .
8 From Semer Water I crossed the road and followed the track above the river Bain through summer meadows , by stiles , some of which were gated and had the rubber soles from wellington boots for hinges .
9 These ministries had to ask permission for all major items of expenditure within the total sum voted and had , at the end of the year , to account to the Treasury for the detailed expenditure of their allocation of funds .
10 He had little idea as to how far they had come and had lost count of how many times they had fallen .
11 People in Schweinfurt itself who had suffered directly from the bombing were said to be completely demoralized and had declared that they would not hold out much longer in ‘ such nerve-racking days ’ .
12 Her rival never rebuilt and had to give up . ’
13 One might make the assumption that these are the same son of people who a few years earlier had enjoyed and had been moved by the pageantry of George V 's Jubilee and by George VI 's Coronation .
14 He had called it " unconstitutional " only on Aug. 21 , and claimed that he had resigned and had not been dismissed .
15 Some had been killed outright by flying shrapnel , others had been badly wounded and had died slowly .
16 We 're assuming he 's wounded and had to hide nearby .
17 Having heard that he was much respected and had great influence in these parts , I felt it was as well to do as he told us .
18 In 1986 Sogat 82 was fined and had its entire assets sequestrated because of its illegal disruption of the distribution of Rupert Murdoch 's News International newspapers .
19 Several unions were held to be in contempt , were fined and had their assets sequestrated .
20 All the pumps were frozen and had to be freed with burning straw .
21 He came from a good home , was well educated and had every advantage .
22 The rest of the room was sparsely decorated and had only two wooden-backed chairs and a small steel-legged table .
23 WE met Therese and then unpacked and had tea .
24 Even the original factory chimney was designed as an Egyptian obelisk , though this subsequently cracked and had to be replaced by something rather more conventionally Victorian .
25 Consequently , as stories reached the capital of excessive clampdowns and criticisms , the leadership were unnerved and had to halt the campaign before it got out of hand .
26 Dinah learnt the lines , was laced into the vulgar striped dress the part required , which had stains under the arms from the young lady off sick , was heavily rouged and had her eyebrows blackened , and walked on to the boards to the flare of gaslight and the outline of gentlemen in bowler hats they had not troubled to remove , refreshing themselves at the bar which stood at the back of the theatre .
27 I knew he was dead because he had already been stabbed and had blood on his neck . ’
28 The woman columnist at the Star argued that the judge as a man had no real understanding of what the girls had suffered and had unjustifiably let the youths off lightly with seven-year and three-year prison sentences .
29 Everyone else was searched and had all their valuables stolen … but she was completely ignored .
30 Dear people who could hardly write for arthritis , who had to send aged husbands staggering out in the frost to find something suitable , people whom I had hardly seen and had exchanged no more than the shiest of glances were sending me pictures of daffodils , valleys , seas and mountains .
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