Example sentences of "[vb pp] and it " in BNC.

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1 He clearly thought he had won and it annoyed her .
2 David Smith a bookie says there 's money to be won and it 's just as well he managed to eat when he was a youngster …
3 The relevant schools have been approached and it is intended to co-ordinate engineering , education and enforcement activities .
4 Now we are of course talking principally on this sixty hectare allocation for the district outside the Greater York area because I think it is well understood this enquiry can have comparatively little impact on how much development takes place within the surroundings of Greater York , because I understand the site that 's being discussed is already committed and it is in any case part of the York pool rather than the Harrogate pool .
5 With the present depressed economic climate , economic rather than social costs tend to be stressed and it is noticeable that even though accounting is masked in its own technical language it can have quite profound consequences in the political sphere .
6 ‘ I like Liam and have great respect for his ability and reputation but he was n't doing what was expected and it was necessary to make a change . ’
7 Their counsel , John Mitchell , QC , said that it had yet to be decided whether an appeal would be pursued and it was unclear whether that could be arranged before the meeting at Brockville tonight .
8 The geology of the basin is varied and it is dominated by the massive Golden Lane carbonate platform .
9 Both share and asset purchases are included and it makes no difference whether the merger is agreed or hostile .
10 In February 1991 E. was bruised and it was thought to be a non-accidental injury .
11 The moment Ferdinando left , with only the most cursory of farewells , to go by train and boat to Rome in advance of the main Party , the icy wind which had swept through the city most unexpectedly throughout October suddenly dropped and it was as if it were summer again .
12 As the nose of the aircraft was raised and some right bank smoothly applied the aircraft was observed to flick suddenly to the right to ninety degrees of bank , whereupon the nose dropped and it descended steeply to the ground .
13 After a normal steep climb-out , at about 120m the aircraft 's nose dropped and it dived into the ground killing all three crew and destroying the aircraft .
14 The women were trapped and it was impossible to get them out .
15 Military and associated groups are not entirely blameless , as testified by the number of ration pack items discarded and it should be the duty of all in charge of such groups to ensure rubbish is brought down off the hill or from campsites .
16 Synthesis of LTB 4 by gastric mucosal epithelial cells has been reported and it is possible that these are an important source of the increased concentrations we have seen in patients taking NSAIDs .
17 One previous case of bilateral ureteric obstruction after pancreatitis has been reported and it has also been described in an alcoholic patient with a large pseudocyst .
18 This year a conditioner was added and it has cut more than 325ha ( 800 acres ) .
19 Turbo-generators were added and it now also generates electricity .
20 This idea would also be splendid for young and old alike , using a black pattern on a white background with really bright colours added and it would be particularly good fun for children to wear .
21 Like her , the General had prayed and hoped for the violet 's return , and now it had come and it would surely blossom more gloriously than ever before .
22 There is , however , a difference between imposing liability where the company has collapsed and it emerges that a director has been in total dereliction of duty or something close to it , and using the law to promote managerial dynamism .
23 I wonder what it 'd be like if the phone suddenly rung and it was for me .
24 He was terribly mangled and it was a miracle that he survived .
25 So , by the time he 'd sort of looked and it were defrosting
26 The existing arrangements between the Foundation established by Baron Thyssen in Barcelona and the town of Barcelona will also be fully respected and it is hoped that the relationship between the two Foundations will be developed to their mutual advantage .
27 I got caught and it took six policemen to hold me down .
28 the long-standing problem with the Mercury cables under the ballast seem to be resolved and it is understood that these are being moved now and the route could be clear within days .
29 The merged ‘ Norfolk and Suffolk Polled ’ could be any colour as long as it was polled and it was not until the Red Poll herdbook was formed in 1874 that the colour of the breed was formally agreed as red , preferably deep in colour , with a red udder ; white touches were permitted only in the tail switch , or on the udder and just in front of the udder on the inside flank .
30 13 , the definition of sale by retail was considered and it was held that the sale was defined by reference to quantity sold , not to the person to whom that quantity was sold .
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