Example sentences of "[vb pp] in because " in BNC.

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1 She had given in because she found him irresistible and , looking at his strong brown back in the first grey light of dawn , she still found him so .
2 Egypt has joined in because of its dependence on United States aid and good will and because of its distaste for Iraq 's bid for Arab leadership .
3 He had to be carried in because of his legs .
4 Your ancestors just moved in because , well , it was warm and dry .
5 Raymond Starr , Director of Child Care and Family Services , confirmed that his agency had been called in because Orkney Islands Council did not have the resources to deal with a case of this kind .
6 Redpath had been called in because the body on the mud had been reported by P.C. Clifford from a land-based patrol car , but whether it was properly a land or a river matter was a moot point .
7 Lane had been assisted by a woman police officer , Detective -Sergeant Phyllis Henley , a thickset girl , whom he had called in because she was an old friend or enemy of Roxie whose own life had not been without criminal excitements .
8 A spokesman explained : ‘ They are being called in because visibility is so bad . ’
9 BMR official Keith Lewis explained : ‘ A company of design consultants , Lakesmere Marine , were brought in because quite clearly that was a specialist civil engineering job .
10 And in such a situation it becomes difficult to say whether the temporary worker is brought in because of a shortage of permanent staff or because there is ( now ) a once-off task to be performed .
11 ‘ After all , he and Bishop Jon were brought in because Malduin was n't doing his job .
12 At no stage would this reference ever be admissible because it 's not going to be relevant after your shield 's gone in because your shield going in relates to the questions understanding be agree or correct me but this is how I understand the situation .
13 But they were not allowed in because .
14 Right , the arch braces of course had to be put in because they were if you look at it you 'll see that they were actually sawn off .
15 I would never have taken anything out of that book that you had put in because I would n't have known what it was about .
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