Example sentences of "[vb pp] that at " in BNC.

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1 And Archie McLaren had told me that the house would probably have to be sold , so it was to be supposed that at any time now people might be coming to look at it .
2 Thus the guidance given to governors by DES Circular 11/87 that , although it is expected that at least some sex education would be provided by the school , they have freedom to decide whether or not sex education should be offered should now be revised .
3 One might have expected that at least some of the Labour members would welcome this opportunity to save the airport entrusted to them , but it appears that the ordinary members are unable to use their right to vote in accordance with their wishes , however strongly held .
4 Schools could work forwards or backwards in time ( though it is expected that at all times there will be reference to time-lines , and time-charts , and that attention will be given to the question " when did this happen in the past ? " ) .
5 So though modem research has tended to discredit the idea of a medieval aristocracy ‘ of service ’ , to insist on blue blood for the great lines of the tenth and eleventh centuries , and to see in the later eleventh and the twelfth centuries an ever-sharper patrilineal descent obliterating other considerations in family history , it should not be forgotten that at least one great princely house was encouraged to view its progress in quite other terms .
6 On the previous day the Democratic Party had claimed that at least 200 people had been arrested for their part in the previous week 's demonstrations .
7 Certainly the two definitions ( ( 9 ) and ( 12 ) ) are not far apart ; but it might be claimed that at least the one that focuses on the nature of context makes clear that one of the goals of a pragmatic theory should be to explicate that nature .
8 , A Ukrainian physicist has claimed that at least 7,000 people involved in clean-up work following the accident had died of radiation sickness .
9 But it should be added that at the press preview , I seemed to be only one of several spectators who chose to devote themselves during these scenes to a meticulous scrutiny of their shoes .
10 On the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , it was reported that at one time dust and water were falling together , as mud , and a thickness of fifteen centimetres accumulated in only ten minutes .
11 It was widely reported that at least five people had died during food riots in Tehran on Nov. 2 , 1989 .
12 By the end of the month it was reported that at local level anti-Kim members of the DLP had begun leaving the party .
13 Indonesian conservationists have reported that at least 1,000 orang-utangs have been smuggled from the country 's forests via Singapore to Taiwan , where they are popular as pets before they grow to adult size .
14 Ministerial Flannel IT HAS been reported that at the launch of National Dyslexia Week , the Duke of Westminster , entering into the spirit of the occasion ( and surely nothing else was intended ) , introduced the junior education minister and Darlington MP .
15 In yesterday 's edition of The Northern Echo it was reported that at a meeting of Derwentside Council 's development control sub-committee Labour councillor Eric Turner criticised a fellow councillor , Derek McVickers .
16 it is recommended that at least half the length of the palisades should be buried in the ground .
17 It is recommended that at the start of a particular project , the project manager should draw up a set of guidelines for filling in module headers .
18 Scottish Action on Dementia has calculated that at present there are likely to be at least 91,000 sufferers in Scotland of whom more than half have moderate or severe dementia .
19 It can be calculated that at least 47,000 jobs in ‘ regional policy factories ’ were lost in 1977–81 .
20 Yorkshire Water has calculated that at the busiest time August Bank Holiday it could have 50,000 people using it .
21 There was also a great spirit of unity among the workers and , although the statements were coloured with rhetoric , it was emphasized that at Wolverhampton , ‘ The whole of the workers stood firm and were prepared to fight to the bitter end ’ and that at Hull there was ‘ Alarm — fear — despair — a victorious army disarmed and handed over to its enemies . ’
22 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
23 By relief it was stipulated that at least two hundred armed men must be seen to have entered the town , with due provisioning .
24 So we 're interested in two elements here of this multi-element We 're not interest in the materials we 're only interested in controllable money which I 've decided that at the minute will be labour and plant .
25 General Orsborn had written that at a first High Council newcomers should keep quiet and listen to what people say .
26 To remind you briefly about this decision — it was felt that at a time when the Society was under considerable pressure , not only to up-date its training structure but also to streamline administration , a Professional Affiliation Fee would benefit everyone .
27 It must be accepted that at the end of the interview the child may have given no information to support the suspicion of [ sexual ] abuse and the position will remain unclear .
28 Incidentally it has now been revealed that at his farewell party , Berkshire director Anne Parker described him as ‘ round and cuddly ’ .
29 Afterwards it was said that at this mission Temple converted Michael Ramsey to decisive Christianity .
30 It was said that at any social gathering one person would be an informer .
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