Example sentences of "[vb pp] i that " in BNC.

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1 But experience has taught me that this is the rule of thumb that can be most profitably proposed and acted upon .
2 A year actually on the job had taught me that it was n't quite so simple !
3 It has taught me that the world does n't revolve around me .
4 By this time , however , my gallery experience had taught me that you need money to start up properly , much more money than I had originally thought .
5 You 've taught me to care again , and you 've taught me that I matter , that my life is worth something .
6 In the three years I 've been here , and because C&P was one of the first ICI groups to move into quality , the value of the quality ethos has taught me that it 's the only way to do business .
7 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
8 And then wherever you 've got rid of conductance think well they have n't given me that , they 've given me resistance , oh I had to write one over resistance turning it into conductance .
9 I do n't think they will though , because they 've given me that already
10 Whenever I have met him since , he has invariably reminded me that I taught him about the business !
11 ‘ He has reminded me that the beginning of a reign is a traditional time for the pardoning of malefactors , ’ he said .
12 Hearing about Rodney 's book has reminded me that I 've got to get down to work on mine . ’
13 erm Anything else on page nine ? erm On Nestlé , Chief 's reminded me that we have got , I received today , a long letter from Nestlé , basically saying they wo n't be coming today .
14 ‘ It 's the first sandwich you 've ever made me that has n't got any paint on it . ’
15 The very fact that I had only properly discovered a foundation of happiness when separated from the world should have shown me that the tendency of the world was to flood and destroy such a thing .
16 Now you have shown me that I was wrong , that I was mistaken .
17 You have shown me that you think my people are your brothers .
18 The past two years have shown me that getting people ‘ turned on ’ to quality is a huge challenge .
19 Your master has persuaded me that you found our correspondence helpful , and that I should resume it .
20 I had told Ron , who was with me in Rome , that I had n't seen the point in attending the practice , but he had persuaded me that I ought to attend .
21 However , Mr Summerchild has persuaded me that taking part in a discussion of this nature might lie outside Mrs Padmore 's job description , and could involve us in difficulties with her union …
22 Robson , who will contact Kenny Dalglish today for an update on Barnes , said : ‘ Kenny has phoned me a couple of times and has told me that Barnes has done some training this week .
23 ‘ From our very first meeting he has always told me that he would never do anything to put the Soviet Union 's security in danger — and he knows that I would never endanger our security .
24 Hierarchy in Asian joint families depends on age and sex but the Sikh women I spoke to all told me that in their families the disciplinarians and rulers were always men .
25 Having told me that everyone was advising him to record it , I told him to go ahead and do it , but not with me .
26 A friend has told me that you 've satirized me thoroughly in a story and spilled some confidences about my wife .
27 ‘ My colleague , Dr Mackintosh , has told me that you will not talk to him , ’ Lange went on .
28 It was a slow and painful realization , as when he had told me that he had been deliberately tempting me to have sex with him all along … .
29 I suppose one would call him a hypochondriac , because Dorothy had once told me that her earliest memory was of her father standing in front of the looking-glass saying , ‘ I am a dying man ’ ; her mother 's face had that bearing-up look one sees on the faces of those suffering with their feet .
30 Three hours earlier a lilting voice had told me that I had a nice big cock .
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