Example sentences of "[vb pp] [det] long " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Similar offences in the past have received a fortnight 's suspension , but because of the player 's disciplinary record he has been given this long ban , ’ said the committee chairman David Johnson .
2 I have never seen such long arms !
3 If he had , she 'd have seen those long legs , whose stride outmatched even hers , she 'd have seen the power of his masculinity …
4 Peter 's got this long arrow in his room .
5 he 's got such long rubber legs has n't he , he looked ridiculous , but he ai nt 'arf gone thin , he 's really gone thin so , now do I have to bake this blind first
6 In the pursuit of his fortune , he had deliberately travelled many long and distant journeys , always seeking to escape from memories of Beth and their time together .
7 She had spent those long sleepless hours going back and forth over everything that had happened , every word they 'd spoken , everything she 'd seen , and at some point had come to realise that she 'd been wrong .
8 We were never given any long period free from a fight from the coast to a target and hack …
9 If the Witch King had started this long war , Tethlis was determined to finish it , and he might have succeeded had it not been for the decline in power of the dragons .
10 Then we talked to Miguel again and it turned out the Indian had started this long conversation with him before we could possibly have had the accident .
11 ‘ It 's taken this long to get over it and , as many good athletes have discovered to their cost , the temptation has always been to carry on training .
12 People have known for some time what has been going on , and I 'm surprised it has taken this long to come out into the open .
13 Christopher — more talkative than usual — was animated in his description of the Highlands , where he had taken several long walks with Alastair .
14 It was nearly a year since Dunkirk , and if they 'd been going to come , surely they 'd not have waited this long .
15 She 'd never have waited this long .
16 It 's because you are not foolish you have lived this long .
17 How that bloody woman has lived this long without getting murdered … ’
18 ‘ I am constantly in a state of surprise that I have survived this long as an actor .
19 ‘ It is a miracle he has survived this long . ’
20 His mother had said that it was all very well to mock but she had stood many long hours at auctions all over the city finding the right pieces .
21 In fact , it was only because he was chronically mean that she had lasted this long .
22 They also told me that they have already held several long meetings .
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