Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 She had dabbed powder over her lipstick to rob it of its bright crimson lustre , and she had forgotten the little pink patches of rouge that gave her cheeks their rosy healthy glow .
2 They have discussed the value of the war : Hector 's carefully considered will and judgement have favoured glory over Trojan blood ; and the adultery at the heart of Troy has been reaffirmed .
3 102 , here attributed to Willem Drost ) , the first depicting the artist 's sick wife Saskia , the second previously thought to be of his son Titus , Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that emotional attachment to the supposed subject matter had clouded judgement over attribution of drawings such as these .
4 Mr Prior , Mr Walker , and Sir Ian Gilmour opposed many of Mrs Thatcher 's and the Chancellor 's economic policies , and all three at some time seriously considered resignation over the 1981 budget .
5 He had regained command over himself , for there was no trace now in his handsome features of the recent turmoil , only the too evident ravages of dissipation .
6 ( 2 ) The principal advantage of a cash underwritten alternative over a rights issue is that the new shares in the bidder are allotted to the target 's shareholders , in which case merger relief and , possibly , merger accounting may be available ( see para 23.1 below ) .
7 Not surprisingly , 68% of owner-directors said that their financial or material rewards had not increased over the past 12 months ; 65% now work over 50 hours a week , 38% have considered disposal over the past year , and over half have injected extra funds .
8 The student quickly claimed pre-eminence over his professors .
9 He had spilt wax over a reproduction of Fabre 's portrait of the Countess .
10 Managing director of finance Ian Duncan writes that ‘ anticipating the introduction of the new US accounting standard FAS 106 , we have made provision over recent years to cover the aggregate liability calculated using the accrual method and have decided to amend the balance sheet classification so that it is shown separately under ‘ provisions for liabilities and charges ’ in the notes to the accounts ' .
11 The commission of a public nuisance can only be tortious however where an individual can prove he has suffered damage over and above the rest of the community and that such damage is direct and substantial .
12 The leaders also made peace over the Gatt talks , Britain 's delay in ratifying Maastricht and the row surrounding the pound 's withdrawal from the ERM .
13 He said Walters — a former RAF pilot who became an intellectual high-flyer — had suffered anguish over the affair .
14 Australia has also seen debate over whether doctors trained overseas suffer racial discrimination .
15 LIKE Nigel Starmer-Smith , in his comments in February 's edition of RW&P , I too have felt concern over the continual use of the up-and-under and , indeed , the kick generally .
16 my Lord another factual situation which I 'll simply referred to is the er on going debate in European commission or cases relating to up stream fuel , er , where there 's very little trade , erm for technical reasons because of the isolation of the United Kingdom , however the commission has searched jurisdiction over restricted competition in the market because the fuels have a direct impact upon product , erm from production costs , product down stream of which there is trade
17 Of course , there were regrets : no parent ever relinquished power over his children without them .
18 There was n't much to it , just painted ply over a cardboard shell , and its lock went spinning across the room at the second kick .
19 Mankind is charged with responsibility for the care of creation as a steward is given charge over the property of another .
20 — Mankind is distinguished from all other creatures in two respects : he alone is made in God 's own likeness ; and he is given charge over all the rest .
21 It helps if you have had experience over different types of cross-country jumps — like ditches and water .
22 Her body is probably naked by now but there is nothing as naked as human eyes : they have n't even got skin over them .
23 The seed corn left to accompany the dead could sprout again — as a boy , he had heard reports of successful experiments on damp rags in the dark — the coins for the ferryman , fallen among the collapsed lips and tongueless jawbones of the discovered dead , could be buffed and brightened until the curls in the hair of Demeter , caught up in rich ropes under a garland of corn floating with ribbons , gleamed glossily again , and the Cupid on Riba 's emblematic ship , facing out to sea with his drawn bow over the whorl of the prow , stood out in silver against the duller ground .
24 This faith could be said to rely , at least to some extent , on that part of the teachings of the Old Testament which claims that a ‘ god ’ had promised sovereignty over the Promised Land , or what is now Palestine , to the descendants of Abraham .
25 But France 's centre-right opposition has cried foul over the reinforcement of the stakes held by state firms in a company controlled by the Socialist government 's urban affairs minister .
26 The professional versus administrator clash is a second structurally induced clash over power .
27 Er , certainly in , in the first paragraph we would say that we have drawn attention over the years to the nuisance of illegal parking erm , by travellers particularly in Stewards erm while travellers have the right to live their own lifestyle we also believe that other residents have the right to live free from that kind of nuisance and problem and that it does need to be addressed somehow .
28 If I 'd had control over everything I would have had a full Wales tour in the summer and then we would n't have needed to have the practice games , but as it is we are giving them the advantage and I wanted to try to do something about that . ’
29 They have always had the technology , They have always had control over what goes out , what messages were received by the public without their conscious awareness .
30 They have always had the technology , They have always had control over what goes out , what messages were received by the public without their conscious awareness .
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