Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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31 He told the throng : ‘ The people of Punjab have given me a lot of love …
32 You 've given me a heck of a lot of ammunition . ’
33 Ronnie 's news , I found , had given me a good deal more confidence in Fringe than I had had on Drifter , illogical though it might be .
34 Both have given me a remarkable insight into the events they portray .
35 ‘ My parents had given me a little electric keyboard for my fourth birthday , and I quickly learnt to play the tunes in the manual .
36 That experience , which has brought me to the province so often , has given me a very deep sense of admiration for the resilience and warmth of the people . ’
37 It 's been an odd kind of fulfilment ; and it has quite knocked on the head all the priggish ideas I may have had , and given me a sense of values .
38 Since then I have replaced the old leaky fuel pump which has given me a perplexing problem .
39 They said au revoir at Beirut , the first port of call , having given me a crash course in survival .
40 On previous occasions he had given me a Tibetan prayer-wheel and a monastery bell which I still cherish .
41 You have given me a seat where poets of all times bring their tribute , and lovers with deathless names greet one another across the ages .
42 Skye , again , had given me a unique link with JTR .
43 Mother had given me a room in her cottage , but was very nervous about having a baby in the house after so many years .
44 Mrs Dare 's given me a job already . ’
45 ‘ They 've given me a roomette or some such , but I take this thing seriously .
46 ‘ The company have given me a Glory .
47 They 've given me a theatre for a season .
48 The noise has given me a head . ’
49 This has given me a vast amount of information about their needs and desires .
50 He 's given me a free hand to buy horses .
51 ‘ But once Northants had given me a chance , I did think I had the talent .
52 Sir , — I am grateful to you for having given me a right of reply to the article which appeared on p 20 of the October issue of ACCOUNTANCY , IoT campaigns for rejection .
53 The Lord has given me a heart for the Filipino people , although my work here finds me alongside so many other people .
54 On that first Broadway night I had stood in the wings where he was absent-mindedly fondling the breasts of his frizzy-haired admirer , and to me he had looked just like any other dirty old man ; but then , as the royal fanfare sounded , he had twitched his grey gown , given me a wink , and walked into the stage 's glare .
55 Liza had given me a gin and tonic and when Granny turned up it was quite clear that she disapproved .
56 He seemed full of beans though , and after he had given me a rundown on the life cycle of the polyp , three nurses wheeled me across the corridor and into another room .
57 I HAVE always had a clear idea of what I hoped to achieve at certain points in my life , which has given me a sense of direction .
58 After John had given me a thorough brief on the ground , I took-off from Duxford and ten seconds later I was in thick cloud .
59 Having given me a fright , it put itself right again , so now I know that the computer is in the charmed circle as well .
60 ‘ It 's given me a kick up the backside .
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