Example sentences of "[vb base] feel [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So if you have a special occasion for which you want to feel particularly slim , do n't eat rice the day before !
2 ‘ People also want to feel more at home which is why facilities like tea and coffee , perhaps a minibar and , in some of our hotels , satellite TV , are widely expected .
3 He had to carry a clothes prop to feel where the ditches where .
4 Now that Jeff 's in the picture , it means I can back off a little and stop feeling quite so responsible for Silvia . ’
5 Some parents describe feeling so frustrated and angry that they want to hit and hit their child .
6 Many knitters seem to feel instinctively that this will help , but in fact it does n't .
7 Opinions are apparently divided on ( 57 ) , some speakers favouring ( 58 ) ( a ) , others ( 58 ) ( b ) , and a good number seem to feel slightly uncomfortable with both : ( 57 ) Mario seemed regretful ( 58 ) ( a ) what did Mario seem ? ( b ) how did Mario seem ?
8 Again , you should stay on this diet for at least a month , and longer if you begin to feel partially better .
9 The best possible outcome of the counselling process is where individuals actually begin to feel sufficiently confident to act on their own initiative , on their own behalf , and to follow the objectives that best match their own ideas about themselves and their lives .
10 By meeting others ‘ in the same boat ’ , they begin to feel less alone and different .
11 You 're packed with vim , vigour and vitality tomorrow and determined to get in shape to either win the love of your life or just enjoy feeling as fit as a fiddle .
12 Even to the now routine enquiries from pupils about ‘ What 's the point ? ’ most teachers I know feel both that they ought to have a good answer , and that they all too frequently do n't .
13 You are also like to feel more confident and able to cope the second time around .
14 Well I remember feeling quite niffed because Matt was really off on Friday because he 'd been up so late
15 I remember feeling really happy when I was told I had at least six or seven years to live .
16 I remember feeling really satisfied that we were changing the world .
17 I remember feeling totally elated .
18 To holiday here you not only get to feel a lot closer to God 's earth , but you also get to feel closer to your fellow man , and there 's not many places that make you feel like that !
19 I get to feel like anyway .
20 They are amazed at themselves , they go feeling all over her
21 The minister we had taking the service yesterday morning I think felt as much on trial in Salisbury Park
22 ‘ But I do feel strongly that John Major can take loyalty too far and his friends may prove to be a millstone or albatross around his neck . ’
23 But they do feel strongly about drugs .
24 ‘ But the residents do feel strongly about it with some not wanting to leave and others worried .
25 Well your argument is that they should n't feel that bad , but they do feel that bad .
26 ‘ I really do feel quite poorly , Joan . ’
27 I 'm never never one for for making work but on an a on although this is n't going to be called an annual report for most children it will be an annual event and I do feel quite strongly that for the child to be able to have the opportunity
28 Qui qui er I actually do feel quite drained , fairly
29 So , you know , I do feel quite involved in what they 're doing and they 're they will readily come and share with you .
30 And I do feel genuinely rough .
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