Example sentences of "[vb base] tell [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , there are a few other people I want to tell about this .
2 With regard to proclamation and persuasion one of the major difficulties in urban society is , how do you bring together those who want to tell with those who want to find out ?
3 Iraq arms probe told of ‘ conniving to defeat justice ’
4 You get told about Arbour by your school , or social worker or the hospital .
5 You get told in advance .
6 If you hear tell of better tonics I should be glad to hear of them . ’
7 ’ There is indeed an opaque quality to the memories that Palestinians like to tell of Palestine .
8 Teacher : Try to tell about the story you have read .
9 They go to tell about
10 For I believe I am about to witness a thing few people see and live to tell of , he thought .
11 But he is rarely , if ever , out of the papers which , if they are to be believed , have told of Grunte 's drunken exploits in Parliament and have recounted his talent as a ‘ serial buttocks fondler ’ .
12 Next , bear in mind the lesson Stan Ellin learnt as a teenager from Guy de Maupassant and reduce what you have to tell to its absolute essence .
13 The aged , respectable leather-bound tomes of the Gould family library look down upon the nasty tale I have to tell with musty distaste .
14 Mr Loveitt wants to hear what you have to tell about being aboard the Princess . ’
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