Example sentences of "[vb base] they your " in BNC.

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1 And make them your most accessible .
2 Make them your models .
3 But they advertise in Woodworker and offer a complete cutting service to your specification so send them your cutting list and get a quote .
4 Next , go to see the local planning officer and the building control officer and ask them if they know of anything that might affect the house , and show them your list .
5 Show them your Checklist and Mortgage Certificate .
6 Molly , show them your wrists . ’
7 Show them your finds and point out they would be lost forever without your efforts .
8 And put them your side since we found that I did them for you .
9 And give them your full attention , too ! ’
10 If you then say , yes I think that 's very good I 'll do as you say you do not repeat no give them your money , or let them handle your money .
11 And he said it , I heard him say , as from tomorrow Give them your phone number Frank .
12 Give them your support if you want a job .
13 However , if you feel the buyer 's going to present a business problem we show them the buyer 's guide and a business card so you can give them the buyer 's guide , explain what it 's for and then give them your business card and then that buyer 's guide to look for business card .
14 Erm ha having gone through that you moved on er and gave out your business card fi first and then the buyer 's guide erm do n't know whether you 're happy doing it that way or whether it 's better round the other way , I I , you , you tend to think if you give somebody the buyer 's guide first when they start to look at it you give them your business card and take it away , perhaps if you do it the other way round they might s start reading the buyer 's guide
15 give them your bread , toast
16 All you got ta do is is just phone up and give them your
17 I think that 's fine if you give them your work number .
18 If they ask you if you read , tell them your favourite writers are Hardy , Thomas Love Peacock and Iris Murdoch .
19 You 're going to stand up in front of a hundred or so of your closest friends and tell them your deepest , most private thoughts . ’
20 You 're doing well then keep them your farmers happy !
21 Now , this might sound silly , but people do do it , when leaving your name for someone to call you back from outside the press , please leave them your full name , that 's your surname as well as your first name , and your extension number .
22 Offer them your hair dye . ’
23 They need a calm mind — Lord grant them Your peace ;
24 They need a clear head — Lord grant them Your wisdom ;
25 They need to write carefully and think carefully — Lord grant them Your patience ;
26 They need to be inspired — Lord grant them Your enthusiasm ;
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