Example sentences of "[vb base] we with " in BNC.

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1 He has fooled even us with his pleasant talk to the Men all these years .
2 The church of St Clement Danes , the RAF Memorial on the Victoria Embankment , the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial and the thousands of graves carefully tended by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission provide us with a structure of remembrance .
3 These survivors , and their many descendants , provide us with one of the most versatile of tree fruits .
4 However , whilst the image of the ‘ head and tail ’ coin is pertinent to our understanding of the rituals , the rabbis ' words provide us with little more than an appreciation of how Jewish society ( or a part thereof ) at the time perceived and explained the religious state of affairs .
5 Recent developments of Darwinian theory provide us with a new and deeper understanding of the processes of natural selection .
6 The apes provide us with much information concerning possible roots of sociable behaviour in man .
7 Irrespective of their original function , these historical documents now provide us with many fascinating insights into the way we were .
8 The oceans provide us with much more than pleasure for the diver and beautiful photographs for the photographer ; they also give us invaluable knowledge .
9 Unfortunately none of the five provide us with the expected objective measure of pain which we could apply with confidence to adults or to babies or to animals .
10 Whilst variational methods at least provide us with upper bounds , many modern approaches such as the use of many-body perturbation theory are non-variational .
11 Notice also how these skills provide us with a timeless wisdom , applicable to all people-situations anywhere .
12 There is an up front awareness of an exchange — if you provide us with typewriters we will place your company logo on our notepaper for a year .
13 Turtles provide us with a different example .
14 The huge conglomerates that assemble on such occasions provide us with some of the greatest spectacles in the animal world .
15 Not only have the horse mushrooms acted as a great addition to our diet , but later in life they still provide us with very fond memories .
16 As with the stereotypes we refer to in the business of everyday life , we know they are not , and can not be , comprehensively true or correct , but they provide us with an indispensable framework within which we can interpret particular instances .
17 Our concepts of meaning provide us with bearings on what words mean in context and the context in turn provides us with evidence for extending our conceptual representation of these meanings .
18 They were engraved with elaborate scenes of myth and ritual and consequently provide us with valuable information about the Minoans ' religious beliefs ( see Chapter 6 ) .
19 The point about studies on non-human animals is not that they replace studies on humans but that they provide us with pointers to what we should study in people and how we should study it .
20 Fortunately , the situation is beginning to change as allied disciplines like machine intelligence provide us with models that will allow us to construct theories that are both realistic and have heuristic power .
21 Flows of assistance between generations provide us with an important example where , in practice , support is often one way , and where apparently this is regarded as quite proper .
22 Central to my analysis of goals is the proposition that the backgrounds of individuals provide us with themes or patterns which reappear in values , beliefs and goals , and then overtly in behaviour .
23 Goals and values plus energy provide us with the vital information on motivation to perform and it is these variables which provide the best data on how an individual is likely to perform .
24 Government comes to be seen as a matter of administration rather than rule and the ideologies of Machiavelli , Locke , Bentham , and Marx provide us with the modern cribs to politics ; a political training in default of a political education .
25 These views , laid out primarily in The Constitution of Liberty and his three-volume work , Law , Legislation and Liberty , provide us with a powerful insight into the liberal theory of government and law .
26 James argued here that abstract rules provide us with only limited assistance in arriving at moral decisions because ‘ every real dilemma is in literal strictness a unique situation ’ .
27 The changes , which were taking place in the economy and society during the period of formative influence on the functionalist style , provide us with a further dimension to consider .
28 The proposals and subsequent amendments also provide us with a case study of central bank policy-making in respect of both monetary control ( macroeconomic policy ) and prudential regulation .
29 This is the case for the English king 's financial archives which provide us with much information on the sums collected , how they were spent , and the organisation which lay behind that expenditure .
30 Philip VI did so at Crécy in 1346 ; John II was captured at the battle of Poitiers in 1356 ; Charles VII personally led the assault on Pontoise in 1441 ; while on the English side Edward III and Henry V provide us with excellent examples of the martial qualities demonstrated by certain kings .
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