Example sentences of "[vb base] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We should give children books which stimulate them , which open their eyes , not confine them with safe lists . ’
2 Traps should wither kill them instantly or confine them for release elsewhere .
3 He preferred outwork : " In a factory you confine them to the hours the master pleases , in the cottage they work very often 15 or 16 hours . "
4 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
5 ‘ You take men from their homes or their chosen occupations , you confine them in insalubrious conditions upon a wholly inadequate diet , you subject them to the tyranny of bosun 's mates , you expose them to unimagined perils ; what is more , you defraud them of their meagre food , pay and allowances — everything but this sacred rum of yours .
6 Defoe in 1730 had considered a poor man in constant work could earn from 4s to 5s ( 20-25p ) a week , " which will barely purchase bread and cheese and clothes for his family , so that if he falls sick or dies his wife and children infallibly come to the parish for relief , who allow them a small pittance or confine them in a workhouse " .
7 Wash and dry the leaves and tear them into a salad bowl .
8 take him on the outside , take him on the inside , take him on the outside , inside , outside , let him through outside , inside , in squeeze them between the lot of them look
9 The humour inheres not just in the daffy selection of cultural allusions ( their native French accordion , some flamenco guitar , a few African horns ) but also in the way they take stiff , formal tempi ( waltzes and tangos ) and mockingly squeeze them for their stateliness .
10 Squeeze them in sure we 'll find somewhere for them to go , vacate , so long as I get a kiss from everybody apart from the boys and
11 According to Nicholas Clee , from the bookseller J Whitaker and Sons in London , any writer planning to embark on such a book would be advised to create a family living in rural bliss with a gaggle of children then land them in a crisis , preferably involving the central character in an affair with an older/younger man/woman .
12 Will the hon. Gentleman please lay them on the table ?
13 Others lay them in the stems , in the roots or in buds .
14 The corridors of the BBC are long and pea-green ( the 1984 setting of Orwell 's book , reputedly ) , and I followed a uniformed attendant through and round them for the obligatory ten miles before happening upon Studio B10 .
15 Thunder rolled over and round them from every direction so that Trent had the sense of being in the interior of an enormous drum on which giants beat from all sides .
16 Go into the wardrobe in our room , get the guns and the ammunition and bring them with you .
17 I have n't no , I never bring them with me of course .
18 And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest , to the door of the tent of meeting .
19 On 11 February 1322 he recalled his favourites ; on 14 February he called upon Aymer de Valence , Earl of Pembroke , justice of the Forest south of Trent , to arm a ‘ suitable number ’ of foresters and bring them to Coventry .
20 The bishops hired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial .
21 The Rev. Owen could therefore use sign language , and together with another clergyman , encouraged the young man to seek out as many local deaf people as possible and bring them to church services .
22 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
23 ‘ The initial plan was to put companies together and bring them to the market . ’
24 And bring them to belief
25 Bring them to the forecourt .
26 In July Amnesty International called on the Uzbek authorities to ensure that the incidents were fully investigated and that every effort was made to identify the persons responsible and bring them to justice .
27 The four system units will be organised around products — mainframe computers , mid-range , self-service terminal systems and application software , and is intended significantly to cut the time it takes for products to get to market — the aim is to cut in half the time it takes to develop products and bring them to the market .
28 At one time , the officers if they saw the girls soliciting , used to arrest them , bring them to a police station , they 're finger print , photographed and dealt with .
29 A. McCormick summarizes the general opinion thus : ‘ probably the very crimes attributed to him were essential to terrorize his gang and bring them to subjection .
30 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
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