Example sentences of "[vb base] it [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Move it ass-wipe ! ’ and ‘ Shift it moron ! ’ were two of the more charming comments .
2 This is a fax to Teagasc T E A G A S C see in er for the attention of Doctor Vincent and head it air freight charges on Aaron .
3 yeah and er , the , the programme condemned him a bit , basically he he did n't , there was , there was , he did n't seemed to take in a lo , a whole lot evidence from either side , you know , he did , he did , he did n't seemed to handle the case very well , it was sort of more like it just get it over with quickly and forget it sort of thing .
4 Just forget it darling !
5 He said to her oh forget it mother he said keep on .
6 I mean some people say it diffidence some people say it 's considerate so you have to then try and go a bit further beyond the actual differences to find out what the reasons behind them are .
7 John , Sylvester and James flaunt it disco style
8 You were gon na say fax it up normally you should just say fax it m'lord .
9 I just want it bonnet , I want it to go in , bonnet spray job and have a look at her face !
10 That 's a noisy one , cor , want it mate ?
11 Did it as they want it sort of you know ?
12 Show it dad and he 'll have a look when he gets home .
13 instead of bread gril yeah , grilled it , fry it type of potato .
14 So far the general level of intelligence , wit and originality in posting is about on par with what you 'd expect ie. as Roger so wisely put it SHITE .
15 Put it sort of in the middle .
16 Stop it Patch !
17 I hope you receive it care of the hotel .
18 I can then print it out or call it back and speak it sentence by sentence .
19 If IBM is contemplating dumping PCs , which cost it money every time it sells one , that would make Rios and soon-to-be PowerPC machines its entry level .
20 Let It Rock , it was called , Or maybe Too Fast To Live , Too Young To Die .
21 I did n't have to get into Let It Rock until 11 .
22 The particular premises that Let It Rock occupied had always been in the very vanguard of London fashion trends but working there was n't as much of a shock as I thought it was going to be at first .
23 Later there were bands like The Vibrators , The Stranglers and The Hammersmith Gorillas , horrors one and all , but pride of place in the pub rock pantheon went to Wilko Johnson 's Dr Feelgood and the wonderfully esoteric Kilburn And The High Roads , featuring Ian Dury and kitted out courtesy of Let It Rock .
24 Let It Rock did unbelievably good business Friday night or Saturday morning a lorry would turn up with a delivery of creepers — the very things that enticed me into the shop in the first place .
25 He managed lan Dury before Dury was famous , and City Lights provided the suit that David Bowie wore on the cover of ‘ Pin Ups ’ and which people were forever coming into Let It Rock trying to get copied , much to Malcolm 's chagrin .
26 Also there were the people who 'd been coming in to the shop when it was still Let It Rock .
27 Although the shop was a bit of an Aladdin 's cave , something of a tot shop with all kinds of different clothes hanging around — some from Let It Rock , some from Sex — she really got into the idea of there being a party line .
28 When you become more proficient , you may want to retrim ; at this stage correct it with the stick , or just let it crab , since this will help to reduce problems during the more difficult slowing down phase .
29 Do not pick up a small fish in your finger and thumb , as you can squeeze it and cause it injury .
30 That 's quite a good i , go and get one and see that you cover it tin foil if you want but it 'll probably be alright as it is .
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