Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] their " in BNC.

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1 It is well known that parents tend to treat their children as they themselves have been treated by their own parents .
2 Psychiatrists tend to treat their cases more as organisms in need of medical treatment .
3 Standing committees , especially , tend to conduct their business away from the glare of publicity and the debate tends to be efficient , rational and frequently unpartisan .
4 ‘ … and carve them into art forms which the Coriads purchase and contemplate to stimulate their lateral thinking . ’
5 As Sage Associates , based in Oakland , California , the pair intend to peddle their know-how about how to make presentations to analysts to industry folk who , they say , are n't getting their message across .
6 Receivership is anathema to corporate financiers , who hate to see their fat fees going to those who just pick over the bones .
7 Most are woven on woollen warps and wefts ( p.20 ) — not the most stable of foundation materials — and consequently tend to lose their shape .
8 Because day length controls this process , trees in cities illuminated by street lights tend to lose their leaves later than their rural relatives .
9 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
10 In addition , husbands tend to see their participation in domestic work very much as helping their wife rather than the assumption of definite and perhaps permanent responsibility for some domestic duties .
11 Of great methodological importance is the principle of accountability , which in essence states that analysts should not selectively pick out from a text those variants of a variable which tend to confirm their argument , while ignoring others which do not .
12 Regarding the second theme , market liberals concur with radical liberals like Illich that professionals and bureaucrats tend to promote their own interests rather than meeting the needs of their clients .
13 Unfortunately , the funboards people tend to classify their level by the type of board they sail rather than how well they sail it .
14 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
15 Moreover , once imbalances have been created , they tend to work their way through the higher age groups in situ .
16 Where a man can become more male and a woman more female by coming together in the full rigors of the fuck … homosexuals , it can be suggested , tend to pass their qualities over to one another , for there is no womb to mirror and return what is most forceful or attractive in each of them .
17 Such places tend to know their customers . ’
18 As a result they tend to accept their situation as normal and natural , right and proper .
19 In order to standardise children 's learning , teachers tend to standardise their approach to teaching .
20 Such people give more than they take ; they tend to hide their emotions and repress their desires just to please others .
21 In European warfare invading armies normally choose harvest to launch their attacks , and the year 1914 was no exception .
22 First , hypertensive subjects tend to increase their weight as the disease progresses ( Chiang et al , 1969 ; Tyroler et al , 1975 ) .
23 Most attacks on stock occur in the autumn , when the young mink disperse to find their own territories , and in the spring , when males wander in search of females .
24 A large majority of the 95 managers canvassed by Gallup for stockbrokers Smith New Court say they intend to increase their holdings , compared with only 15 p.c. in March .
25 This is because short professionals tend to concentrate their firepower .
26 This is usually a very popular event as parents want to see their own children involved in something special .
27 They want to see their own chaps , keen as mustard , potting Jerries ( or Tommies ) whenever the opportunity arises .
28 Surely British aviation enthusiasts want to see their team doing well ?
29 Once parents begin to think about what they want to see their child doing rather than what they do n't want to see , their whole orientation to management starts to change .
30 One Bangkok stockbroker says that ‘ when people make investments because they want to see their name on a school in their home village , they are heading for trouble . ’
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