Example sentences of "[vb base] [that] having " in BNC.

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1 Of course you realise that having dispensed with petrol with a quick flourish you have also abolished plastics , polymers and detergents , not to mention over a hundred major products necessary to modern industry .
2 People say that having no children was/is a blessing .
3 They fear that having separated post and telecommunications , France Telecom will receive the lion 's share of the budget and may ultimately be privatised altogether .
4 Put in blunt terms , many wives grumble that having a husband at home during the day means an extra meal to cook and inevitable disruption to their normal routine .
5 So it is important to make some preparations in advance and accept that having fun can involve hard work .
6 I know that having a seventy-eight-centimetre leg makes me shorter than average , but Jesus .
7 I mean , we all know that having to shake tins , the number of people who go past by on the other side , and I think that we do have to be careful with the numbers , and even those people who normally give do get a bit fed up if there are too many .
8 Learning from experience is such a fundamental process that it is easy to take it for granted and assume that having experiences and learning from them are synonymous .
9 Burnfield ( 1985 ) , a psychiatrist with multiple sclerosis , states : ‘ I believe that having MS has helped me to become more sensitive to the needs of others and that it has enhanced my skills as a healer .
10 Moreover , members believe that having their party in office , whatever betrayals it may perpetrate on its supporters in the country , is better than having the opposition take over .
11 Arousal curve well understanding the need for arousal for me helped because I now understand that having nerves while you 're speaking is not unnatural it is n't something that you 're able to get rid of but you need to be able to work with it and practice to improve performance .
12 Those which do , find that having a cat or bird or even goldfish around is very valuable .
13 They sometimes have unusual parenting styles and some , though by no means all , find that having a social worker looking over their shoulder makes them feel uncomfortable and unnecessarily unsure of themselves .
14 They are more able to relax and enjoy the time with their baby when they have had a break from the everyday routine at home ; others find that having their own income gives them independence — and fewer money worries .
15 Eighty per cent of you feel that having more police officers on the beat would certainly alleviate your fears .
16 This remark she delivered with the immense complacency of the wise virgin ; Clara could not help but feel that having men in only when things went wrong was not as wildly eccentric as her mother supposed , but as she knew no other way , no other world , she could not be sure .
17 I think that having somebody in pram pushing distance , who has recently had a baby can be of great value and at least it means there is help at hand if you need it .
18 Some people think that having reasons for faith is an insult to God , as if we were desperately grubbing around for make-shift reasons to believe in him .
19 I also think that having to report back would assist with dealing with the many , many people who have complained about the state of our footpaths network but individual complaints and with user groups and we 're off to see representatives out of County Council , they 're not here today but they 're off to hear it at our Committee meetings and I do think that having an officially report back to the Environment Committee would assist in meeting their requirements would be good P R. Thank you .
20 However , Joanne and her parents agree that having the baby has brought them all closer together as a family , and it has provided a focus and role for her mother who , after Joanne 's account , tells her version of the way that this has positively transformed her life .
21 I du n no , er you know you can put woman staying at home having the child for instance when there are n't enough children to fill the schools realize that having children is a very important in economic values what with nations increasing staying at home
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