Example sentences of "[vb base] [pos pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One small point , if you say its like a free TSB they might not want to print it !
2 But , the thing is that they their attitude towards the dominant group and their behaviour towards the dominant group is going to be erm influenced by how perceive their like the treatment , so they 're quite prepared to change their er erm the story they present as it was , about themselves to outsiders , depending on how they see the outsiders erm as likely to react towards them .
3 I mean its as if he 's sort of living again , you know , coming back to life .
4 he 's got another one who does they hear his screams sort of thing put its in
5 Many people spread their on the road , while others put branches in the fields and spread them on the road .
6 But there , the moment we put our in him , we receive .
7 You might be tempted to say — ‘ If the ORCS are that good in a recession , watch our in a boom ! ’ .
8 PLEASE — look our for any potential people in YOUR classes and do encourage them to go to this day .
9 Can I just point out that something here , erm , was , I think I mentioned about my children it was the height of the table and its just so little that , that they indicate their in height in this picture , but it is there and , erm , that , I found that really very exciting and as I say the , The Threes , it , the three goblets , the three apples the three puppies , so often I 've , I 've found that there is three sets of , three objects and in
10 Now if this is erm , a perhaps a non representative hundred in so far as if , if you can compare it with er the , the average in the West of Scotland , I know your speaking as , as an expert because you work , well , well tell me exactly what you do , I know your with the transport
11 the bathing lady I reckon its on there
12 After — oooh — a mere nine or ten years , when quite suddenly you become consumed with lust and frighten your by now placid partner into a state of wary suspicion .
13 Well this is and I noticed erm sort of do my in this particular one , she said she 's interested in North American Indians
14 oh I do its like the mountains
15 Erm anyway , we 're going in Newton Abbot , in Newton Abbot choose our for the model .
16 We do our in an hour !
17 Thank your for your help , Prince , ’ she said coldly .
18 Do n't rely on it though — ski with your weight centred on your skis and make your up motions more vertical than backward .
19 Go and bring your in you 'll never get it out of here .
20 I yelled a See Yer to Kim along with some friendly advice about not letting her thighs get too cold .
21 Always so cheap Always buy your in B and Q.
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