Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] they " in BNC.

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1 I mean them they 're designed to er so that they do n't slip or anything .
2 Many elderly people become so deeply attached to their animals , however , that when they lose them they go through a very real and depressing bereavement experience ; so every effort should be made to help them to keep their animals properly fed , groomed and exercised when they begin to find this difficult to cope with themselves .
3 I suspect now that you know I mean I they might still to move given to one or two of my family members , but basically I could more openly say you know that in fact I suppose my view in Britain but not in Australia but my view in Britain is okay , the Royal Family could continue to exist they must A pay taxes B I do n't genuflect to any of them and C we 've got ta put them in perspective they 're in which is they 're a tourist attraction erm you know but I and I can make those comments which would be met by a lot of Britons with hostility , people who would totally disagree with me and say well they are the Royals and you know bow , bow , bow , but others would agree with me and that is something that has changed over the last three decades it really has , it 's changed during , during my absence in Australia , it is something you know that I came back to and I mean I kept , I 've been back about three or four weeks and there 's a pro I mean there 's some delightful radio programmes here comedy , political comedy shows and there was one show I listened to and I had been back a couple of weeks and it was about erm the Queen had a P R issue and she had to sort of do something about it , so she decided they 'd have a public execution of Edward and they described Edward was a cream puff and they the Queen and and er Andrew and everybody else was on the balcony at er Buck House and the crowds are cheering and the rolled and the the execution .
4 they 're they 're going have extension built I mean I they 're gon na use it at Christmas family coming over and they 're gon na have their Christmas dinner out there .
5 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
6 and involve them they must be involved must n't they ?
7 Some seem flower-like yet when you touch them they have the incongruous scratch of stone .
8 But the curtains , it says please do n't touch , if you touch them they 'd fall to bits , they 're that old .
9 Three charities working there make prosthetics , help amputees to walk , persuade them they are not useless and teach them a trade .
10 ‘ I would hope if sufficient parents support me they will either postpone the tests until Easter , by which time the children will have some idea of what it is like , or go back to the previous system .
11 their food and support them they say around all day having very weird discussions about
12 Cut them they would n't be the exact size
13 If you trap them they get annoyed then they 'll sting you .
14 POWERS — because IF WE LET THEM they really DO have the power to hurt us and damage our lives .
15 They s they seriously ca n't do much more than if they catch you they suspend you there 's not a lot more that they can do .
16 erm , artist erm if we require er , request it they can afford him .
17 cos it was only like sort of eight inches difference and I thought well when I wash 'em they might shrink anyway
18 Y I mean you they might have risen slightly , but you wo n't be getting that sort of investment return , you wo n't be paying any tax , and you 're guaranteed your money 's absolutely safe .
19 Now you see those two women there , now watch them they swing their legs at times , there could be an accident there !
20 It is in fact very common to find subsets like this within larger classes , and when we quantify them they usually show sharp patterns of social differentiation .
21 ‘ When you meet them they kiss you on both cheeks .
22 Well they give you they even give you fro from that by manipulating then equations you can derive other equations , you come up with other equations .
23 give you they tell me the
24 They promised to publicize the book in China , and publicize it they did .
25 They they accept it they did n't shit .
26 So when they update it they put
27 Well you get them they 're really , really hot .
28 ‘ The contributors we had are all kind of double-0-seven , cloak-and-dagger types ’ , explained Krishna Littledale , one of the enticers of funds ; ‘ … if you talk very quietly and tell them they ca n't tell anyone about this conference , they will give you a lot more money . ’
29 We ought not to admire them when they put up their fists and fight nor mock them when they are afraid and tell them they must be a man .
30 Tell them they 're not to look at me . ’
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