Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 There are many people who suffer due to lack of affordable housing to rent and inability to cope with mortgage repayments .
2 In the later stages of the disease , anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia develop due to the combined effects of protein loss and leakage of blood through the damaged mucosa .
3 Some small instrumented areas have been selected as representative of particular conditions whereas others were experimental , in which change due to logging or other forms of land use change could be monitored either by change in one basin or by comparison of several areas in which changes were taking place to differing degrees .
4 Seri I mean due to some physical difficulties or or whatever .
5 As he and Chancellor Norman Lamont remain deaf to the pleas of the small businessmen , the Government 's policies are hurting all right .
6 In writing with this frankly propagandist aim — to focus on Jesus Christ — the disciple was bring faithful to the remarkable way in which his Master summed up the purpose of all Scripture .
7 Eventually Nature becomes the designer , and the maintenance required is that sufficient to ensure that the sites remain acceptable to the public .
8 In this respect , you and I remain unknowable to one another .
9 Make clear to all concerned the penalty for breaking the contract .
10 Name your people and make clear to yourself how they are connected .
11 Make clear to your new employer that you are looking forward to continuing your professional education .
12 When you first apply to join the bank , make clear to your employer just how much responsibility you feel able to take , and discuss ways of improving your clinical and management skills to take on additional responsibilities .
13 Make clear to your prospective employer any plans you have for the future , and make sure that the post you accept is appropriate to these .
14 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
15 Will the Secretary of State make clear to the summit that after fourteen years of this government we have seen unemployment treble to three million unemployed .
16 ‘ I want to see these insurance companies make clear to their policyholders by how much premiums are being increased , and then to justify their behaviour , ’ said Mr Cook .
17 Its nineteenth-century decline in mortality went straight down from a peak in the 1860s to oblivion in the mid-1950s , although notifications remain high to the present day .
18 On the plus side , the spells and weapons remain faithful to AD&D and a save game option is provided , but this is n't enough to rescue it .
19 Their passion for raiding has declined in recent years , but in most other respects their lifestyles have changed little in centuries , and the rugs they make today remain faithful to their ancestors ' methods of weaving and repertoire of designs .
20 Consequently , the vast majority of contemporary rugs made in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union remain faithful to their tribal heritage and employ predominantly geometric schemes , despite being often of workshop origin .
21 The new census statistics will benefit organisations such as Reader 's Digest or Kays , that sell direct to the customer , in that they will be able to improve the selection of both prospects and existing customers for targeted mailshots .
22 Repeat direct to me .
23 Constitutional arrangements have been developed to ensure that bureaucracies remain responsive to political direction .
24 That does not mean that those which have lost most employees during the year are struggling — Grand Met and Guinness appear due to the clear-out of peripheral businesses , and Reed International because of its transformation from manufacturing to publishing .
25 ‘ Mme Verard , ’ he wrote , ‘ for so they called her , in order to pay her that honour due to her staunchness and fidelity ( though the union had never been blessed in God 's sight ) , had heard among her people that they planned to fall upon the settlers and massacre them in their beds one moonlit night .
26 The delegation had been due to meet South Korean dissidents to discuss their possible attendance at a North Korean pro-unification rally due to be held at Panmunjom on Aug. 15 .
27 Psychiatrist Dr Gerald Silverman runs kleptomania therapy groups ( for people who can not control their desires to steal ) , and claims most of his patients shoplift due to emotional worries or personal problems .
28 Seven out of 10 expect Labour to be the biggest party and on average they predict the FT-SE 100 index will be almost 80 points lower than last night 's close of 2393.2 if Neil Kinnock is in Downing Street tomorrow .
29 The captain of the second ship liberated his prisoners , some say out of compassion and sympathy for their cause , others say due to the influence of members of the Scottish nobility in London .
30 It is easier to appreciate the idea that human behaviour is largely determined by culture with the use of examples which appear strange to Westerners .
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