Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] because " in BNC.

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1 They have to come to terms with the fact that there is a rival in the camp , a rival they would both love to remove but hate to lose because of his separate contributions to home life .
2 And world market prices also tend to fall because these erm sort of protectionist programmes are often too successful , so not only do we reach self sufficiency , but you reach the status of net exporter .
3 three o 'clock in the morning that I want to see because we 're
4 It would be too late so she said I really want to go because we went out last night you know
5 It 's helpful in the context of the dollar preference shares we want to issue because one of the factors of this very small , and as you say cheap er , historic issue of preference shares is that , er no preference shares other than those can be repaid prior to that and the dollar shares we wish to issue which are permanent shares , can be er , can be erm repaid at our option and we do want to keep that flexibility in the context of either if interest rates get very high or if the tax treaty between the U S and the U K changes to make them more onerous on the company and in those circumstances we would be inhibited by the existence of this small historic issue of preference shares and therefore it is on balance , although you 're quite right there , a cheap er , source of capital in themselves it is helpful to the company in the wider sense I believe if they are repaid .
6 A RUSTY old gasometer which fed-up local residents want demolished because ‘ it 's a blot on the landscape ’ has been compared to some of Italy 's most beautiful buildings .
7 Judging by the mood prevalent up till now in the DDR the planned freedom of travel will scarcely influence those who want to leave because their patience is at an end and their trust in the government has been destroyed .
8 If I kill myself , which is what I want to do because I ca n't bear this misery , then I will go to hell .
9 All I know how to do is write songs , and that 's what I want to do because I would like people to feel as good as I did when I heard a song for the first time . ’
10 And it , er , er , cos I say demonstrated because we 've got these two people here , er this man and the little girl there who are obviously , erm on a visit to this mill watching what 's going on .
11 A spokeswoman for the Labour-run council said yesterday : ‘ This British flag image is n't one we want to project because we 're a multi-racial city .
12 I say encourage because three out of four dissatisfied customers simply go away disgruntled — having concluded that it is not worth complaining .
13 ‘ Purposive sampling ’ occurs when a researcher chooses a particular group or place to study because it is known to be of the type that is wanted .
14 Believers very often cease to believe because such suffering makes them no longer able to accept the goodness of God .
15 He is the kind of person you want to beat because you hold them in such high regard . ’
16 I say metamorphosing because it is our firm intention to continue the natural development process which has been going on in recent years , rather than make any radical changes just because we are now a university .
17 you ca n't say what you want to say because you are so nervous and so on !
18 Er the reason want referring because has n't commenced it 's considered er view and the last thing we want is to be in business actually doing is enclosing on St Albans and anything that St Albans does n't actually want .
19 There 's one final point I want to make because this acts as a kind of prelude to what we 're gon na do now down in S O one eight , and to the main start of the course , and that 's this .
20 Yes , I 've got my cat , it 's just gone out , yeah I 've got a cat , yes he 's a lovely little cat I 've got and he 's just gone out a little ginger and but I did have a dog but I , cos he , I had him several years here a beautiful little corgi he was and then I had to have him put to sleep because he had er water trouble , but then my doctor advised me that I , he said do n't have another dog have a cat , so I had a cat , I 've always had a cat though
21 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
22 ‘ They only stop pestering because he a child , ’ Jancey declares .
23 Well sir , they 're , we support dipping because it 's already been stated to note that we make most of the money for Shropshire from farming , and sheep is one of the big things which we sell all over the country , but unless we can guarantee our sheep are clear of er , disease people are n't going to come here and buy meat and stuff are they ?
24 But you do n't get that choice you do n't er and to me I , I hate going because the , you , you got everyone seems to be , it 's , it 's as bad as a road really with the trolleys erm and I badly miss this over-the-counter service but er
25 Oh that was approximately about erm , well I 'm talking about now in my time it must be over twenty year ago , when he introduced that and the simple reason was there was an argument between the deputy harbourmaster and the boatmen which are the cos they used t it all happened over a ship called used to be a collier , used to run here regular and that used to discharge so much coal at Cliff Quay , then it used to go into the dock at Tolwells Quay and finish unloading because it used to bring two or three different lots of coal , it was a four hold ship , she had four holds , and there 'd be one hold for the chemical works and perhaps there 'd be three holds for and that se
26 Something that you just happen to know because of your profession ? ’
27 ‘ Adult students enjoy Streamline because of its vivid presentation .
28 What Stephen says and what Stephen thinks begin to merge because the punctuation mark that indicates ‘ now my character speaks ’ is missing.Joyce does use the dash , however , to show that he is moving from descriptive narrative to direct expression .
29 They seem to think because you have a child you re an easy catch to bed and breakfast .
30 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
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