Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [to] " in BNC.

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1 I mean got ta pretend there 's another one of these there !
2 ‘ They dinna' seem tae be carrying my skipping-rope , so perhaps they 've thrown it dawn somewhere . ’
3 Imagine er that imagine gon na hit him when it , or sh , he does something to her ?
4 when you like got ta stop .
5 tell Gon na break my marriage vow , girl — Love her all night , and
6 Right in school yeah , erm after they gave us these yeah and they like wan na see like how we talk and all that .
7 D'ye want tae get me — shot ? "
8 When our member then appealed to the Regional Secretary and said , well , I think I do wan na appeal and go further than this because I feel I 'm right , what letter did we then get in reply .
9 I mean , if I sort of just stay for a , for a while but er I 've still keep looking for work looking for a job cos I do wan na get away from B T.
10 Let me see if I 've still got pressure , see if we , see what you think got ta pick her up .
11 subtitle gon na be ?
12 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
13 We do we will , I 'm just saying we do wan na get into cocktail and
14 Yeah I do wan na go up town Ded .
15 Well I 've got to get through right so you do the papers then and I can , only we do wan na go to square one and er we both need that sort of thing
16 " I 've got tae go ! "
17 An the lawyer replied , ‘ Ye 've got tae love the Lord God wi yer hale hert , soul , mind an strength ; an ye 've got tae love yer neighbour as weel as ye love yersel . ’
18 An the lawyer replied , ‘ Ye 've got tae love the Lord God wi yer hale hert , soul , mind an strength ; an ye 've got tae love yer neighbour as weel as ye love yersel . ’
19 Also a buzzword now , as in : ‘ Man , you 've got ta have attitude . ’
20 As they neared the little town the guard went through the train saying : ‘ Move to the front — you 've got ta look quick for the platform there , ‘ cos there ai n't much of it !
21 ‘ Now I 've got ta round up some more lads for the Ancient Britons , ’ Otley said .
22 ‘ They 've got ta have rain or they wo n't grow , ’ said Elinor angrily .
23 Mrs Clinton tells Vanity Fair , apparently without weighing the truth of the charges against Mr Bush : ‘ What Bill does n't understand is you 've got ta do the same thing in response as you do in negative advertising . ’
24 You 've got ta face it have n't you , you 've got ta face it whatever .
25 You 've got ta face it have n't you , you 've got ta face it whatever .
26 And , wow man , I 've got ta show them that I can produce .
27 I 've got ta get my own back .
28 I 've got ta be real careful about listening to tapes before I go out there , so I do n't put on something too far out . ’
29 ‘ Not if I 've got ta play this afternoon , ’ said Luke , sitting down next to Perdita .
30 ‘ Do n't die , you 've got ta see another sunrise . ’
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