Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh they ( the TUC ) talk — they make rules and regulations ; we ca n't make any hunger strike , we ca n't make any demonstration , we ca n't make any mass picket , ca n't do anything .
2 All associations make rules and regulations for their conduct , and when men are associated politically these rules and regulations are called laws , the power to make these being the prerogative of the state and of no other association .
3 In English we often give orders , and make requests and pleas ( directives ) in the form of elaborate questions ( ‘ Would you mind …
4 A landing strip was organised to provide emergency services for any of the aircraft that suffer damage or be short of fuel .
5 Since the weather , especially wind direction and wind speed , will markedly affect the behaviour of the radioactive cloud , estimates of the number of people exposed and the hazards can only be expressed in terms of probabilities .
6 Consider toxic shock syndrome when severe diarrhoea and shock develop hours after even minor surgery
7 THE STONE Lodge Sports ground burst into life on when clowns , tightrope walkers , acrobats , trapeze artists and human cannon-balls arrived to take part in 's big top spectacular .
8 Currently Chairman of the Central Council of Physical Recreation 's Movement and Dance Division and a member of CCPR 's Executive Committee .
9 They seem born to the hard sell ethos although new severe regulations against cold-calling and for " knowing the client " are forcing changes in their attitude .
10 Where 's he making it , he must have had money he did n't just buy those fields and make money and have a big house like that .
11 You certainly make money if you begin .
12 Touts make money when the demand for their tickets greatly exceeds the supply at the official price .
13 The unique formulation contains Panthenol Pro-Vitamin B5 to thicken hair , repair damage and give ultra body and shine — without over-loading the hair shaft .
14 Repair damage as for the chimney
15 Type — lay ministry or occupational
16 The flexibility of both the mode of eliciting a response and the response itself suggests that the test may be particularly suitable for children with handicaps which make comprehension or production of speech difficult .
17 I mean clubs that are arranging fixtures will be responsible for telling , they 'll know where it is , and they 'll be responsible for telling people who are coming there where it is .
18 During the spring the recommendations of the Top Salaries Review Board and the Doctors and Dentists Review Body came to the Prime Minister .
19 Erm , I mean headquarters as from adminis , the administrative erm part of it I do n't know whether you saw the Barnardos This is Your Life lady
20 Without a conceptual model of the market place and the organization 's possible place within it , general checklists of factors lack rigour and may simply make it easy for interested parties to emphasize different factors at different times , depending on their interests .
21 Grants , trust money and corporate giving will go to some way to meeting the bill but support from individuals will play a very important part .
22 In Chapter 12 will also be found a summary of the Accounts Rules regulating the handling by solicitors of clients ' and trust money and the obligation to pay interest on deposits .
23 If on the other hand , the colony gets too cold , as it may in winter , the workers eat honey and use its energy to vibrate their flight muscles within their thorax without moving their wings , so generating body heat .
24 I mean molecules that are rather larger , molecules that actually are rather important in biological systems .
25 We can make fear choices , which lead us to cling to the past — ‘ I hate my job , but I wo n't find anything better , so I 'd better stick to it ’ , ‘ I always eat hamburger and chips on Thursdays ’ , ‘ I 'd like to know Chris better , but I 'm sure s/he wo n't be interested in me ’ — or growth choices , in which we reach for the future — ‘ I hate my job , so I 'll start applying for others , even though it feels scary ’ , ‘ Maybe I 'll try spaghetti bolognese tonight ’ , ‘ What have I got to lose ?
26 You mean Raoul as in
27 Eat shit and die you mother .
28 Two World Wars have helped to break traditional restrictions and change attitudes and laws concerning the work that women could do .
29 Ultimately , Gould was to name 25 of Darwin 's 26 Galapagos land birds as new and endemic ; and three of the 11 water birds , usually expected to have a far wider geographical distribution , as belonging exclusively to the Galapagos .
30 ‘ The effect of this will fall much more on less mainstream client groups , by which I mean drug and alcohol misusers , and highly physically disabled people ’ .
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