Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [being] " in BNC.

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1 I mean between being a Spaniard and a Majorcan … ’
2 ‘ If you mean about being lonely … ’
3 Now that 's what I mean about being dishonest .
4 Also popular are almond-stuffed olives ( although I always think the nuts suffer for being in the pickling brine ) and those filled with tiny pieces of anchovy , which balance the flavour of the fruits beautifully .
5 I long for being in real contact with them .
6 Erm but er I think when you say about being confrontational there 's if you 've got a client in front of you the last thing that you want to do is have erm a confrontation with them
7 So , yes , you should , just for five minutes forget about being a policeman and be a human being .
8 OK , I apologise for being a clod .
9 And he said , It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery , neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome : but the noise of them that sing do I hear ’ . ’
10 Your puppy is tense and will more often than not cry after being taken from his litter-mates .
11 The dogs come to salivate on hearing the sound of bell , which they associate with being fed .
12 There is no theoretical reason to suppose that a transition from labour market income to state benefit income induces the onset of dependency : indeed , logically the reverse should happen , as individuals shift from being dependent on finding employment in the labour market , to being in receipt of an independent income guaranteed by the taxable capacity of the state .
13 until we cry from being slapped
14 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
15 Now it was an established custom that we very often used to go out to a strip in the desert away from the camp where we could indulge in circuits and landings to our hearts content without being related to the hour by hour flying that went on at the Base camp .
16 It is startling when things and people suddenly appear without being heard , particularly when you believe yourself to be alone in a room .
17 I hope they realise by being here we will bring in a huge amount of trade .
18 They are as wrong as Gandalf , or even more so ; Tídwald rebukes Torhthelm for being ‘ heathenish ’ when he wakes up , and the poem ends with the monks of Ely singing the Dirige or ‘ dirge ’ from the Office of the Dead .
19 ‘ We worry about being seen doing nothing .
20 And that , basically , people who worry about being well and fit and healthy and so on are prone to dieting , exercising and worrying themselves sick .
21 However , you worry about being exposed to the market with the disappearance of the Variable Premium .
22 Having watched someone die after being put in succession on steroids , Opren and Distalgesic , I have a hard time trying to be objective .
23 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
24 It is thus not employed in the sense in which people speak of being more ‘ cultured ’ ( or ‘ cultivated ’ ) than others .
25 unalterable conviction in favour of the adoption for our Palace of Administration of the revived national style — a style so characteristic of our own age it is beginning to be called Victorian — we protest against being obliged to tolerate an effete Palladian or mongrel Renaissance architecture to please those who wish to claim the merit of a breadth of view and of artistic sympathy by denying that they have any prejudices on the subject , one way or the other .
26 Slovenes protest against being put under German Commander . "
27 Our business and personal lives depend upon being able to use words successfully .
28 Interpretations depend upon being able to link the background measures ( class , size , socio-economic group etc. ) to those of performance .
29 It came across to Cocello and the committee in such a way that the presenter could n't help but benefit from being associated with it .
30 Most varieties benefit from being divided every couple of years , indeed many of the doubles will fade away without regular division ; immediately after flowering is the best time .
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