Example sentences of "[det] case the " in BNC.

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1 In each case the accuracy rate concerning events of which I had first-hand knowledge was about 50% ; half the information correct , half wrong .
2 In each case the Canadian fiction of a supposedly identical sovereign was repudiated ; and in each case the continuance of a unity which had been due only to the former British connection was made a prior condition for even pretending to play the Canadian game .
3 In each case the Canadian fiction of a supposedly identical sovereign was repudiated ; and in each case the continuance of a unity which had been due only to the former British connection was made a prior condition for even pretending to play the Canadian game .
4 In each case the consequences of moving a million or more people , in the case of Tanzania , at least five million , were hardly recognized before the operations began .
5 In each case the studios were able to produce a steady supply of good , sometimes amazing , films .
6 In each case the same serious message is coming through — we are poisoning our environment , we are disrupting the interrelating ecosystems that form the background to human existence , we are endangering God 's creation .
7 In each case the younger son received the greater blessing .
8 In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry .
9 In each case the contrast between image and reality is stark , the ‘ mythical ’ content unmistakable .
10 In each case the idea is to link a point in the sequence or group with a secure chronological fixed point .
11 The General Household Survey for example defines the family today as ‘ a married couple living alone or with their children , or a lone parent with his or her children , in each case the children being never married ’ .
12 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
13 But in each case the decision has been ours , not theirs .
14 In each case the team 's community psychiatric nurse or social worker was designated as key worker and would continue to monitor every patient , as well as to obtain or increase other services when they thought necessary .
15 In each case the font-name is Andrew .
16 In each case the property obtained by the creditor is subject to a trust set up by the testator .
17 In each case the jurist decides that the beneficiary of the trust has a better claim to the object than the creditor .
18 In each case the company has built up a reputation for reliability and high quality .
19 In each case the therapist should discuss how to make use of the open access facility .
20 Their suspicions were borne out by a careful analysis of six different tumours ; in each case the viral promotor turned out , as expected , to have inserted itself next to the proto-oncogene myc .
21 Using specially-designed apparatus , we took core samples 2 m long from the bottom of Loch Morar ( whose surface is now 9 m above sea level ) and 4 m long from Loch Ness ; in each case the samples were 2 inches ( 4.6 cm ) in diameter .
22 In each case the animal , when attacked , suddenly collapses and remains immobile .
23 In each case the LAO listed in the BCU yearbook needs to be contacted for the details .
24 In each case the teacher tried to encourage the use also of ‘ opposites ’ ; Steven is taller than Linda — Linda is shorter than Steven .
25 In each case the Commission may have rejected the complaint and may also have granted an exemption to the company in respect of the conduct of which complaint has been made .
26 In each case the damning innuendo is the same : Absolute Truth is inhibiting dogma , faith demands a high degree of auto-suggestion and repression , prayer is a sign of incompetence and irresolution , fellowship is a mark of dependency .
27 In each case the foreign presuppositions bring their own problems with them .
28 Other boards are making their own arrangements but in each case the courses will lead to a recordable qualification .
29 In each case the technology itself remains blameless ’
30 In each case the containing font may be of a different size , but the title will adapt .
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