Example sentences of "[det] children [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some children faced with a clown , an entertainer or just being at a party atmosphere at someone 's home , do not wish to accept boundaries .
2 Some children suffer from low self-esteem , and expect to do badly .
3 Some children retired to a corner or another room to hide while standing stiffly or squatting .
4 Some children become institutionalised more quickly than others , and she still had a bit of fire left in her when I went to the orphanage for her .
5 Some children remain dry for years , then relapse after coming under stress .
6 Some children spent their entire schooldays in unrelieved misery .
7 Some children tend to insist that their models , cars , towers , etc. are the biggest , fastest or tallest and it is not always kind to suggest otherwise .
8 Some children made leaf prints — sizes and shapes were discussed .
9 Some children despise their fathers because they work , or used to work , for the Israeli occupier .
10 Some children said our hoped-for bus had gone through so Mohammed and Ali wandered off and somehow hired or hijacked a pick up truck .
11 After attending a local nursery school , some children had been able to write their own names .
12 Some children had last-minute treats of ice cream and sweets which made them very sick .
13 Some children had received a laxative , and when given , it was either given in minimal dose or given for too short a time .
14 We also need to consider the local and wider community and its various institutions — not least , the powerful influence of television , which for some children represents more hours of information intake than is provided by teachers during eleven years of compulsory education .
15 Some children spotted the feet sticking out of the bushes by the roadside .
16 Babies were given this amazing food so some children grew up as giants compared with other children their age .
17 Research begins on the materials needed for railway construction , with some children producing a broadsheet ( on computer ) reporting what has been happening in the town — which they " sell " in the next drama session .
18 Some children take on an unnatural , waxen appearance that their mothers sometimes see as a kind of death mask .
19 While some children prefer liquid medicine , finding it easier to swallow , others dislike it .
20 • In some children studied in a normal , rhythmic environment the sleep/wake rhythm shows an intermediate stage between a lack of rhythmicity and the presence of normal rhythms ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
21 Some children experienced the balance for some of the time ; others inevitably did not .
22 Some children came back repeatedly .
23 Some children get worried or feel uncomfortable because they fail to chew and then try to swallow large lumps of food which cause them to gag and vomit .
24 He says that some children ask , but then find that their headmaster refuses !
25 Some children saw an ending where the aggressive adult was called a ‘ champion ’ , some saw the aggressor being berated , and others saw an ending where there was neither a reward nor a punishment .
26 Within this simplified conception , the role of linguistic factors in education is easy to define : some children come to school equipped with an elaborated code which enables them to be successful in class because they can use it to analyse , describe , speculate , and so on ; other children fail , because they do not possess this code .
27 The brochure stated clearly that while some children transferred back to mainstream schools , ‘ the majority remain until they are 16 years of age ’ .
28 The bulletin 's conclusion is based on a comprehensive review of all the studies , and the stated beneficial effects of some surgery for some children took into account the positive results from a study by Gates et al .
29 Some children moved out of specialist provision into playgroups ( full or part time ) and made considerable strides in social relationships , becoming part of a community and friendship network which continued into their schooldays , whether or not they went to special school at 5 years .
30 That there should be a chance for at least some children to learn Latin , not as a part of ‘ classical studies ’ , but essentially as a branch of linguistic studies , seems to me a benefit that schools should strive to preserve .
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