Example sentences of "[det] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tacitus tells us that this incursion was into the territory of Rome 's allies , and this could place it in the lower Severn , where Caratacus could have linked up with the other group of dissidents in the south-west still smarting from the operations of Vespasian , who with his sea-borne mobility swept right along the south coast , taking the Britons by surprise .
2 Associated with this destruction deposit were coins which ended with Carausius and this could place the desecration under Constantine , rather than in the middle of the fourth century , but better evidence must survive in the unexcavated areas of the site .
3 This could place a burden on the RNLI of as much as £3 a year on present costs .
4 Given that N. Langsdorfii could be a perennial in a mild winter and that it seeds itself even more freely , this could go from being a rarity to a ‘ pernicious weed ’ in record time .
5 It had a demoralising effect on us , and we wondered how long this could go on .
6 This could go on till morning , it was ridiculous .
7 I wished this could go on for ever but I realised that all too soon I would have to return .
8 Pale , cold , clammy , yes , this is the opposite , you 've got all the signs and symptoms here of a stroke , now if , this could go on with and erm if somebody , if something is n't done very quickly with this compression the person has still got this bleed , or clot in the head and eventually they just kind of all come up into the foetus position , literally all goes spastic , all these spastic movements right , you finished writing ?
9 This could go on a long while , Kate thought .
10 ‘ But this could go on for years . ’
11 Let's hope the ms strikes lucky this time , otherwise this could go on for generations .
12 This could go on for hours .
13 The problem is that it would be very hard to justify the cost : much of this could go on after students arrived , and the course modified as it went along .
14 This could go on forever so I 'll shut up now .
15 This could go across the mud and it easily .
16 The same sort of thing as the like this could go through that .
17 This could decide our extinction or survival as the human race .
18 If CBP100 does play a role in assembly of active transcription complexes this could contribute to the different transcriptional properties of CREB and ATF1 ( 11 , 12 , 30 ) .
19 This could enhance the formation of polar stratospheric clouds , which convert potential ozone-depleting species to their active forms .
20 All this could suggest that Kingsley Amis is n't altogether sold on Patrick Standish .
21 This could suggest that , for such people , temporary working was more generally accepted as the norm .
22 This could suggest a domestic crisis , for the Chronicle records immediately after that the aetheling , Ealdberht , whom Ine had exiled , went into Surrey and Sussex and it is not inconceivable that Ealdberht was either Ine 's son or the son of his brother , Ingild , who died in 718 , seeking recognition perhaps as Ine 's heir .
23 The Three Kings had by then be , en worked along a length of 240 ft. and this could suggest Benson 's Lode .
24 Although this could suggest the improved survival in the 1970s was due to better management early in the disease , the similarity of the SMRs in each decade would again suggest that the age distribution of patients is the explanation .
25 But fears that this could send the pound plummeting prompted Downing Street to issue a denial , and insist that next year 's spending target of £244.5bn would not be breached .
26 But fears that this could send the pound plummeting prompted Downing Street to issue a denial , and insist that next year 's spending target of £244.5bn would not be breached .
27 Percentage loss of prey from tawny owl pellets was found to be greater in summer than in winter ( Lowe , 1980 ) , and this could relate both to the greater numbers of immature rodents taken as prey , the bones of which are less mineralized and therefore easier to digest ( Lowe , 1980 ) , and to the likelihood of the birds producing the pellets being themselves immature In the case of the great horned owl it has been found that the stomach pH in immature birds is lower than that of adults ( Grimm & Whitehouse , 1963 ) and there is therefore greater destruction of bone and loss of prey .
28 The receiver unit needs to face the business end of mouse , but if your desk is as cluttered as mine you will quickly see how problematical this could end up being .
29 Having set the process of achieving an ever closer economic union once more in motion , almost inevitably concern arose in some quarters over the possibility that this could spill over into a closer political union .
30 This could fit in well with the growing concern with money management now being shown by the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
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