Example sentences of "[det] as some " in BNC.

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1 She , in her turn , interprets this as some kind of hatred of her .
2 We believed that the best practice reflects a consensus rather than such extreme positions , and we did not see this as some timid compromise .
3 Rose and Adams , in Langley 's collection , wrongly see this as some form of limitation : ‘ Possibly the greatest difficulty that we have in furthering our understanding of pain and suffering in other animals is the limitation of the human model ’ ( 1989 : 63 ) .
4 The irresponsible , indeed disgusting , Belgrade press presents this as some kind of victory .
5 He resisted any temptation to treat this as some kind of a revelation because Wayne was dead , and talked to nobody .
6 By contrast , on the other side of the equator , there are societies , such as some of the traditional pre-colonial Southern African states which though they have pastoralism and agriculture , do not seem to have had slavery .
7 In the making of aquavitae certain plants were utilised as additives , such as some members of the Leguminosae or vetch family , , literally ‘ mice pease ’ and known simply as vetch , and or known as bitter vetch ( Lathyrus montanus ) .
8 The pelagic zone also includes a few creatures that are land-based , but none the less make a significant contribution to the marine ecology : birds such as the puffins , gannets , boobies , auks , terns and penguins ; the pinniped carnivores — seals , sea-lions , fur seals , and walruses ; other carnivores — the sea-otter and the polar bear ; reptiles such as some marine crocodiles and the marine , herbivorous iguana of the Galapagos Islands .
9 The first commercial companies to follow suit were public utilities such as some railway and gas companies , which started pension schemes for their clerical staff from the 1840s onwards .
10 Produce likely to go off , such as some fruits and vegetables , are destroyed .
11 An area with a reputation for muggings , such as some parts of Liverpool , may make weekly collectors reluctant to work there because of the cost of taking along a ‘ couple of hefty chaps ’ in protection .
12 You could use both an ink and a paper that tones in with the pressed flowers , such as some lovely parchment and a sepia-coloured ink , with some pressed flowers in shades that are rich but evocative of days gone by .
13 I completed another tour of the mill and cottage , this time with Nigel in tow , trying to sound as objective as I could , as if I , too , saw mere possibilities , but as our tour progressed I could see that Nigel had warmed to it almost as much as I. He pointed out some ‘ interesting features ’ that I had missed , such as some of the wooden working parts of the mill machinery set high in the plastered walls , and told me what they had originally been used for .
14 In short , teachers are helped to offer all children , as Quinton put it when reporting his and Rutter 's findings ( 1988 ) on the healing effects of teachers on children in even severe adversity , ‘ good school experiences , such as some form of success , accomplishment , sense of self-esteem or just pleasure in school activities ’ , with consequent better adjustment in adult life — even if they did not always seem to have an immediate effect ( ! ) .
15 In conclusion , joint problem-solving and the consultative sharing of expertise can maximise scarce existing resources and increase the capacity of teachers to meet the individual needs of all children ; stimulate teachers ' personal judgment and initiative as to the best educational ‘ therapies ’ open to them , raise their sights as to how to help all children , whatever their difficulties , to learn and to cope , how to offer them those ‘ good school experiences such as some form of success , accomplishment , sense of self-esteem or just pleasure in school activities ’ found to be so valuable even in later life ( cf Quinton and Rutter 1988 ) .
16 This could lead to better treatments not only for cancers and corneal ulcers , but for many other things , such as some skin disorders and types of arthritis .
17 Rather , they express some ‘ attitude ’ of the speaker , such as some ultimate preference about how we should behave or society be organized , and invite the hearer to adopt it too .
18 Highly sensitive species such as some of the smaller angelfish , butterflyfish and the Achilles Tang ( Acanthurus achilles ) may easily become stressed if confronted with quarrelsome tank mates and will show dissatisfaction with aquarium life by refusing to feed .
19 The light was not on in his room behind him , and from outside Mr Wolski might have seemed no more than an insubstantial shape , the reds and blues of his pyjamas now turned into grim black stripes against white , such as some of the prisoners in Nazi death camps of the Second World War had worn .
20 Among the reasons for these large numbers are that there is no right of appeal from the Immigration Appeal Tribunal to the courts ; that from many decisions by immigration officers adverse to immigrants , an appeal can be made only from outside the United Kingdom ; and that from some decisions ( such as some exclusions deemed conducive to the public good by the Secretary of State ) there are no rights of appeal at all .
21 Other addictive relationships such as some sexual practices may be branded by society as being definitely abnormal or even criminal , yet there is evidence that they may be part of the broad spectrum of addictive disease and therefore outside the personal control of the individual sufferer .
22 The sufferers from alcoholism or any form of drug addiction would therefore be recommended to abstain from : i. all forms of alcohol , including products that contain alcohol ( such as some mouthwashes ) , communion wine that contains alcohol and food prepared with alcohol ( unless it has all evaporated in the process ) .
23 It was not merely a matter of correction here and there — these were ashes ; at best a discord such as some chained bear might pound on a piano .
24 Ocean currents are important for other coastal plants such as some mangroves ( though none of these has reached the isolated archipelago of Hawaii ) , while seeds of the forest lianes , Entada ( Leguminosae ) , are washed even as far as Europe .
25 1.3 Conclusion One can conclude that : ( 1 ) The following classes of case are usually subject to the doctrine : ( a ) employment contracts regarding the period after the contract has ended ; ( b ) contracts analogous to ( a ) such as some agency agreements and partnership agreements ; ( c ) business sales contracts which preclude the vendor from competing with his former business ; ( d ) solus agreements ; and ( e ) any situation , not necessarily involving a contract , in which it appears a party has acted unreasonably , unfairly or oppressively so as to restrict another party , usually the plaintiff in the action , in the exercise of his trade , profession or employment .
26 The visit to the Palace of the Minorities for the singing and dancing show had some stirring patches , such as some ‘ polovtsian dance ’ type music played with great gusto on strange balalaika-type musical instruments .
27 They may need to reorganize because of demography — that 's the number of pupils that are in a particular area , where you 've got too many schools , or it may be that they want to change the type of offer , such as some of us want to do in the City of Oxford .
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