Example sentences of "[det] or a " in BNC.

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1 The key recommendation is that a workforce should be recruited and trained to bring five million energy-inefficient homes to current building standards at a cost of £2–3,000 each or a total of £40–45 billion .
2 Either that or a dong the size of a surfboard . ’
3 In addition , the Board of Inland Revenue must be indemnified by the people who were partners immediately before the first change , and by anyone joining the partnership on that or a later change , against any loss of tax arising on a partner 's claim that the election does not strictly comply with the provisions of s 113(2) and that the cessation basis should have been applied .
4 Either that or a one-hit wonder , an eventuality the Crocs are clearly banking on .
5 I needed some valerian tea ; either that or a monster Manhattan .
6 For most people imitation of appearance , or topographic realism , is what art is , that or a sentimentalisation of that .
7 And my instructions were that I I used to either let them have two thirds of that or a half , you see ?
8 That or a jug of cold water full in the face .
9 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
10 Sometimes just one person like that or a couple of people ?
11 Either that or a swimming party or
12 and that or a yeah , yes , we were coming back through that little lane in Berrison Way
13 I love them Terry Either that or a labrador .
14 But it was that or a Vauxhall .
15 it 's that or a new head torch , but if I got a new head torch it , it perhaps but they 're about , they 're about thirty quid I think
16 There 's about another two weeks after that or a week .
17 By identifying these two fundamental factors and offering a realistic proposition ( higher quality at lower prices ) , rather than a ‘ free ’ this or a ‘ free ’ that , Wilson & Glick have already gained the confidence of hundreds of satisfied customers for whom value for money and quality at an affordable price are the main criteria .
18 Please take the trouble to write this or a similar message and look at it often .
19 The purpose of such investigation will be to determine the precise nature of the incident , to examine the factors contributing to its occurrence and to identify any measures which might be taken to minimise the likelihood of a repetition of this or a similar incident .
20 I 'm certainly not going to er w to say let's give you a trial of this or a trial of that , until we know what 's happened with your chest , so
21 She was a member of this or an allied tribe .
22 Something 's got ta go , whether you give permission before this or an appeal .
23 I can often discover our different species of Oaks , one from another , by their form of growth , half or a whole mile distance ; and I am sure he must be very sharp-sighted that can know them , at half that distance , by their leaves , acorns , and cups , all together .
24 So what does that 's when you start thinking about half of a quarter it gets very confusing what do you mean do you mean half or a quarter ?
25 So we use cardboard boxes and even if you 're moving crockery , you put half or a third of what you 'd put in a tea chest goes into er a a a cardboard box .
26 Suppose I 'll have to put them both with a five can always buy her a plant or some or a box of chocolate 's , oh sorry Melvin brought you these , forgot you were on a diet
27 Very commonplace today go in to Thomas Cook 's there 'll be a video running continually with one destination or another or an activity holiday etcetera .
28 If you would like copies of any of these or a list of the other factsheets produced send a stamped addressed envelope ( 9″ by 6″ ) to Age Concern England .
29 Anyone wishing to advertise in this newsletter either a small ad such as these or a full ad ( full page or half page ) please contact any one of the newsletter team .
30 Anyone wishing to advertise in this newsletter either a small ad such as these or a full ad ( full page or half page ) please contact any one of the newsletter team .
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