Example sentences of "[det] are his " in BNC.

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1 Examples of this are his fierce-looking lady ( to a heavily armed German soldier advancing over the lawn ) : ‘ How dare you come in here ! ’ , or a placid scene in a country pub where the radio on the bar is tuned to the German propaganda station : ‘ Meanwhile , in Britain , the entire population , faced by the threat of an invasion has been flung into a state of complete panic . ’
2 These are his own thoughts ; the Prince is nobody 's puppet .
3 ‘ He said … now these are his exact words …
4 These are his charm , his instrumental attitude towards his own goodness , and his fundamental opacity of mind — all characteristics which he shared with Gandhi to some degree .
5 As ever with politics , these are not his enemies , these are his friends .
6 Now , as a visible sign that these are his people with whom he will always be present , he gives Moses instructions to build a special tent for him .
7 ‘ But , ’ warned Kingsley ( and these are his concluding words ) ‘ remember always that this is all a fairy tale , and only fun and , therefore , you are not to believe a word of it , even if it is true . ’
8 These are his initial notes .
9 These are his empiricism and humanism , and what we can call his organicist insistence on close reading , on careful attention to every detail of a literary text , on the principle that the text , like a living organism , functions through the interaction of all its constituent parts .
10 These are his sketchbooks . ’
11 Oh I see , these are his stairs .
12 These are his moves .
13 How many are his match ?
14 OUR CORINTHIAN Prince Charles ( well , he 's either surmounted by acanthus leaves or those are his ears ) is making another film .
15 As Mr Khalil points out , the arch is both a literal image of Mr Hussein ( those are his arms and no one else 's ) , and a giant reflection of how he sees himself .
16 Those are his tools . ’
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