Example sentences of "[det] he have " in BNC.

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1 In this he had the agreement of the ‘ new philosophers ’ of his century .
2 When Parker got up he told his audience that as he had heard this he had thought to himself , ‘ I will turn aside and see this great sight ’ .
3 This he had done ; his duty was complete .
4 To prepare for this he had moved many of his photographs , pictures , books and other possessions from London so that the house , though not looking exactly as it did when he was there , became a showplace bursting with Shaviana .
5 To do this he had been dropping dummies by parachute near Italian prisoner-of-war camps , and the advent of some real parachutists was an obvious gift .
6 This he had done , according to the story , by finding the weight of water displaced first by the crown and then by an equal weight of pure gold , the measurement being that of weighing the water displaced from a full bowl .
7 As he moved away from the tree it became apparent to Marian that between him and the trunk lay a substantial sack , and that it was this he had been defending so stoutly .
8 Over this he had a black mackintosh ; there were five belts strapped around his waist and a sort of grey linen nappy attached to the back of his trousers .
9 To do this he had bought some loudspeakers from the government and the sparks had damaged them .
10 But even this he had learned to discipline .
11 Somewhat before this he had been introduced , probably by Anne Boleyn , to some rather more revolutionary reading matter : The Obedience of a Christian Man , written by the suspected heretic William Tyndale .
12 This he had turned into what looked like a camera shop and I let him get well ahead before starting my take-off .
13 Part of his motive in undertaking to edit the Criterion had been to establish his own position within metropolitan culture and , since he had been a bank employee when he had begun the paper seventeen years before , in this he had triumphantly succeeded .
14 Cedric had been just too young for the war , and for this he had never forgiven Fate .
15 This he had learnt from Ann herself , who had forecast the sex of both babies by means of a golden ring suspended by the longest whisker of a white cat .
16 Prior to this he had painted The Death of Nelson ( Colour Plate XIX ) , again on a big format and based on a reproduction of the central group in Daniel Maclise 's mural of the same subject for the House of Lords .
17 To this he had aspired .
18 Against this he had a surprisingly quick mind , a splendid gift of repartee and a skill in creating a warm and friendly relationship on a very slender acquaintance .
19 To do this he had to resign from Teledyne Geotech , but their loss was treasure hunting 's gain .
20 Over time his sermons moved away from emotional appeals to more reasoned ones ; in this he had much in common with the British ‘ gentleman evangelist ’ of his day , like Brownlow North [ q.v . ] .
21 At the Warwickshire Eyre of 1221 , one Reginald was found not guilty of the rape of Margery daughter of Aelfric ‘ because a long time before this he had her of her own free will , and again two years afterwards in the house of her father , and they say no cry was raised . ’
22 All this he had never known before .
23 For this he had a very big telescope .
24 All this he had concluded from a rather wistful statement that she was missing him .
25 Even before this he had lingered in her mind , seeming to be calling her from France after that one meeting .
26 To do this he had to lean over and push the bolt firmly into place .
27 He 'd put his mind to it that he would n't , you know this he had it in mind that we were going to work for this thirty pound a week less , take it or leave it .
28 He had managed to acquire a brown mark on his right cheek and in the centre of his chin , and a dark smear had appeared on the front of his shirt : this he had made worse by diligent rubbing .
29 Retrospective evidence from 1840 suggests that up to 1796 when it came into use , a master weaver could earn around 12s 6d ( 62½p ) a week , but from this he had , essentially on the old two-man loom , to pay a journeyman 3s 6d ( 17½p ) and his board , and a further 2s ( 10p ) to a child assistant .
30 For all this he has ever been grateful for his uncles , careful considerations — as his father 's executors — of his family , and especially of their kindness towards him personally .
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