Example sentences of "[det] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 On each occasion a common sense category tied to urban renewal often hides a set of social processes which does little for those whose poverty provided the central rationale for urban policy in the first place .
2 In the 1960s Kennedy Round of multilateral trade negotiations , the much-acclaimed reductions in barriers to manufactures , trade did little for those LDC 's that were poorly placed to produce , let alone export them .
3 Down there they will escape the buffetings of the storms to come and there too , where temperatures are much lower , their bodily process will slow down and so use less energy at a time in the year when there is little for these animals to eat .
4 The future holds little for these Romanian children , they live in appalling conditions in one of the country 's worst orphanges , at Siret .
5 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
6 As the MOD has shopped around Europe for additional supplies of 155mm shells , some of the responses have done little for any future spirit of co-operation .
7 Except on North America voyages , and despite falling unemployment and rising real wages in the country as a whole , seamen 's wages rose little for some years .
8 Five thousand francs a kilo they were fetching today , and a week later in London shops 12s. 6d. each for little tiny ones .
9 I was able to recall perfectly quite long sequences of words even when I was exposed to each for little more than twenty milliseconds .
10 Thus the model includes six categories of effectiveness evaluation , two each for all three groups of evaluators .
11 Cooperative women have realised that if the principle ‘ Each for all and all for each ’ is good in their shopping , it is equally good in production , in education , and in the affairs of the nation and of the world .
12 And we 'd perhaps make about six trips , and I think we used to get sixpence each for that .
13 And do n't forget for each for each of the acids .
14 So in 1547 Henry VIII decreed the appointment of two Masters and two Surveyors of the Woods , one each for either side of the Trent , as officers of the Court of Augmentations .
15 The current rates are £32.55 a week for a spouse , £9.75 for the first child and £1 0.85 each for any other dependent children .
16 Labour Councillors charge community charge payers an extra seventeen pound each for those members of the public that they have urged not to pay the community charge .
17 ‘ My beers are certainly bitter but you can drink several pints — and you ca n't say that for many big brewers ' beers . ’
18 My doubts have grown during the years I have been thinking about and then writing this book , but for the moment I will concede that for many scholars and teachers a clarion-call to defend ‘ literature as literature ’ would prove rousing and timely .
19 But when you have to face up to the fact that no one wants to know and people are more interested in the apprehension and sentencing of the offender , that for many people is even worse than the original crime . ’
20 She rose and the apron made a tissue-paper sound , ‘ And we have to bear in mind , Miss Thorne , that for many people a hospital of this kind is not the answer .
21 Later still , living in Canada , travelling in the United States and working with Americans , I came to understand that not everyone lived history in the same way ; that for many Americans , history was only a bunch of dead stories .
22 My experience has been that for many people there is not all that difference between bringing ‘ God ’ in and touching wood .
23 That for many people words are grey and lifeless objects is only too apparent from the way they use them , especially in print .
24 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
25 We need to admit that for many older churches it takes much longer to change and also that a more traditional style can be helpful to many in finding Christ personally and following him radically .
26 One explanation for this may be that for many jobs it is high productivity which leads to low job satisfaction .
27 That this unit is relatively ‘ shallow ’ genealogically speaking , i.e. that it tends to consist of two generations only and that for many couples the main tie of commitment and responsibility is the conjugal one .
28 But my clinical experience tells me that for many of you , there 's no choice — other than the possibility of celibacy — for as you 've developed , you 'll have gradually realised that your sexual orientation is homosexual and that you can no more change that than the colour of your eyes .
29 They pointed out that large numbers of patients , especially among the old , were unlikely ever to be really fit to enter normal community life , and that for many others the community care services were still woefully inadequate .
30 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
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