Example sentences of "[det] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 From this it followed that whoever was archbishop of Canterbury inherited all the powers that Gregory had given to Augustine , just as the pope inherited all the powers that Christ had given to St Peter .
2 From this it followed ( 2 , 2a ) that the circumstance too is required or alternatively required for the effect .
3 From this it followed that kingship , like fatherhood , was a divine institution to which resistance was not merely impolitic but sinful .
4 From this it followed , among other things , that molecules had a shape in three-dimensional space , and the brilliant German chemist Kekule ( 1829–96 ) , in the very Victorian situation of a passenger sitting on top of a London bus in 1865 , imagined the first of the complex structural molecular models , the famous benzene ring of six carbon atoms to each of which a hydrogen atom was attached .
5 When Chetnik came to appreciate this it sought to reclaim the rates it had paid under section 9 of the Act of 1967 .
6 And this it sought to achieve by minimising the number of people required to exercise control while maximising the number over whom it could be exercised .
7 In this it failed ( though in 1929 an agreement was reached with the German group on production quotas for nitrogen ) .
8 As a result of this it failed to represent artists who , over a long period , deserved recognition .
9 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
10 From this it had all begun .
11 In this it had little success , though it did cause some alarm to the authorities and to shipowners , some of whom recognised that accumulated benefits could be an effective way of retaining membership .
12 To do this it had to gain the support , both of the judiciary and the public , for its new measures .
13 In this it surpassed all that Lanfranc had been able to achieve even at the height of his influence in 1072 .
14 This it estimated would cost between £120 million and £225 million because it would need major civil engineering works .
15 I just think I just think it 's quite important for us all to realize I did a , when I used to do a similar job to this it took me a long time before I realized that the customer , you know on the phone does n't know that your you should n't have asked an open question there
16 In this it resembled the British constitution itself , which , as apo-logists delight in explaining to foreigners , is nowhere embodied in a single document having the force of law .
17 In this it met with the approval of the US Senate , as it avoided committing the USA to any action overseas , while answering the great yearning of the American people for peace in the world .
18 All of this it seemed might make the Prince less unacceptable to France and so would give the candidacy an air of reasonableness to the rest of Europe .
19 When Rodrigo heard this it pleased him well , and he said to the King that he would do his bidding in this , and in all other things which he might command ; and the King thanked him much .
20 They had perhaps three hundred yards to cover to the edge of the encampment ; and as they neared this it dawned on Ramsay that , of all things , the enemy had placed their horse-lines here at this western rim of their cantonment .
21 With this it dawned on me what they were talking about so I became more attentive .
22 The Alliance attempted to mask the narrow sectional basis of ‘ economy ’ by popular appeals to the whole electorate ; in this it contrasted sharply with Labour , and so the nature of the appeal is worth closer scrutiny .
23 This it did for all but 150 years , becoming one of the best known and best loved of all our rural branch lines . ’
24 This it did in terms of the effect on the whole curriculum , and on individual subjects .
25 This it did by demanding a return to the family and Victorian values .
26 This it did by the 1981 Contempt of Court Act .
27 If he was able to achieve this it did not augur well for the struggles against the three Indian spinners , who had variously been described as inexperienced and nebulous .
28 From this it appeared that the father was the principal debtor in the sum of £299 .
29 To achieve this it separated operational and functional responsibilities within the practice and brought in outside professional managers who were non-accountants : principally Ray Pierce ex-chief executive of the Mortgage Corporation and a former general manager of American Express — as chief executive , and Mel Smaje , a quietly determined former rugby player with experience in the pharmaceutical and computer industries , as director of human resources .
30 If we move to oil well our oil business obviously operates in a cycle different to our publishing businesses and er , at the end of the first half it had record sales and profits fifteen percent ahead in dollar terms ten percent ahead in , in sterling terms which may surprise you slightly , but I think James probably will talk about that later .
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