Example sentences of "[det] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We think it 's bad enough just my wife being pregnant , but with this it just takes it near enough unbearable .
2 This it duly did , accepting , though not without some strong opposition , the draft of a working party on 10 March 1953 .
3 Was this it then ?
4 This it now does .
5 In this it occasionally ran up against other states with their own sense of destiny .
6 This it manifestly does , but it is aware that it is not unique in doing so ( whence the many references to Tristam Shandy and Jacques le fataliste , archetypes of the novel that undermines its own stated project of telling a story ) .
7 When a clerk of the course comes out with a statement like this it seriously weakens the case of those , like myself , who would like to see transport allowances reintroduced .
8 It was built to impress , and this it still does , rising from the village which huddles around it .
9 Erm ha Chrissy can I just have a knife and I can cu oh go on half it then I can get this out , I can throw this
10 But according to some it simply MEANS services like education will be severely squeezed .
11 ‘ I believe everyone has innate creativity ’ she confided in me , ‘ but with some it just takes a little bit of coaxing before it will surface ’ .
12 But for some it only lasts until they reach the office — 31% felt that their work was not taken care of properly while they were away .
13 As such it potentially functioned as a perverse dynamic — neither a part of created nature , nor a sexuality in its own right , but rather ‘ a potential for confusion and disorder in one undivided sexuality ’ .
14 As such it certainly extends to local — and , as I think , also statutory bodies in so far as they are exercising autonomous rule .
15 As such it hardly qualified as a date , but try telling her heart that !
16 admitted to playing truant for the odd lesson here or there ) ; as such it possibly lies beyond the scope of the law at present .
17 With all due respect to have an obsession to getting American viewpoint to erm , set up in England , and I would just like to know how much it really comes to ?
18 Within such broad frameworks as these it also seems likely , however , that political sociologists will in future give more attention to the distinctive cultural traditions and historical experiences , and the specific conditions and problems , which a particular state , or group of states , confronts .
19 It has been said that an order of mandamus ought not to he made if the respondent is doing all it reasonably can to remedy its breach of duty .
20 If it meant anything at all it probably meant other people thought you were a bit like them .
21 They ca n't go up there , we 've got to do the best we possibly can , and the Government is doing all it possibly can to help by providing subsidies for housing associations by providing ninety five per cent of the rent rebates which this City Council gives , so on and so forth .
22 By the third single , most people were familiar with The Wedding Present 's pop thrash and all it really did was consolidate their position .
23 This was before I was playing with Chet and everything , so that 's all it really needed , and I 've just tried to keep up since then .
24 Erm to me it is a thriving and very good community , and all it really needs is to look as it 's thriving .
25 This is the which is actually much further on in its decoration that most of the rooms , in fact all it really needs is some cushions and the window glass here .
26 That was all it really was .
27 And people walking on the pavement all it totally and I thought what a cheek .
28 All it now requires is your signature on the bottom line . ’
29 The Third Annual Punch Egothon ( Spring Edition ) : while it presumes to expose the year 's most overbearing , vain , egocentric celebrities , all it actually does is to unwittingly credit these attributes to your own good selves .
30 That 's all it ever was , I think , ’ Faye mused .
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