Example sentences of "[det] other ' " in BNC.

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1 Four felt their parents were too strict , while many others ' parents were not strict enough .
2 The two central , baggy-suited dancers , Lynne Bristow and William Trevitt , either mirror each others ' movements ( the old man perhaps communing with his diary ) or else dance as a couple ( the man reliving past relationships ) .
3 Conferred temporary and somewhat metaphysical diplomatic immunity by the embrace , the would-be emigrant and the diplomat walked , with their arms on each others ' shoulders , into the embassy .
4 Even the World Bank regularly despatches different missions to an individual country unaware of each others ' presence , or who may meet by accident in a permanent secretary 's outer office .
5 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
6 The Chiefs of Staff and most senior officers on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific knew each other , having served together on NATO , CENTO , and SEATO staffs and in exchange appointments in each others ' armed forces .
7 John Sutphen suggests that with the three sonar channels available to dolphins , cetaceans can see-read-hear into each others ' hearts and brains .
8 Managers gauge each others ' prestige by comparing the sizes of their BMWs .
9 There is even a possibility that the United States and the European Community will trade the rights for their respective airlines to operate within each others ' internal markets .
10 School was so long ago that we had passed into each others ' mythology , like people who met distantly in another country .
11 Arabian oryx also lick the dew that may accumulate on rocks and on each others ' hair , as the humid air from the Arabian Sea rolls in at night .
12 Irena arrived looking stunning , and the entire audience spent the interval walking about studying each others ' clothes .
13 And of course , we spend half our lives in each others ' houses , eating .
14 For much of this time the country was in a continual state of war , with the Moors in the south and the Christians in the north constantly invading each others ' borders .
15 It suggested that all countries had strong mutual interests in providing growing markets for each others ' products , in security of supplies and in a more stable monetary system .
16 The Reagan administration is trying to establish an alternative to the convention , in the form of a ‘ mini-treaty ’ including only the mining nations who recognise and protect each others ' claims .
17 Hitherto , the empirical watchers and the grand theorists have largely ignored each others ' work .
18 The way forward should be for both sides to try and understand one another , to recognise each others ' rights , feelings and beliefs .
19 We humans lay out our highways and byways in our fashion and each species does so in theirs , and we mostly remain unaware of each others ' very own and personal world of perception .
20 each others ' shadow .
21 ‘ Chubby ’ Eliot and self had a bit of a dogfight for a while trying to get on each others ' tails as we were not certain the other was not a 109 until we saw the roundels . ’
22 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
23 They have been at each others ' throats .
24 They have been at each others ' throats .
25 They have been at each others ' throats .
26 First it was necessary for participants to recognise how little they understood of each others ' work , and then to begin to formulate ways of working as a team .
27 Can signers understand each others ' sign languages ?
28 Can signers from different countries communicate with each other even if they do n't know each others ' sign languages ?
29 Battison and Jordan report several types of study to determine if signers from different countries understand each others ' signing .
30 Moss says he has negotiated with the unnamed firms to ensure they wo n't be duplicating each others ' efforts .
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