Example sentences of "[det] problem that " in BNC.

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1 Before starting adaptations to your home , there may be some problems that can be solved by using various pieces of equipment available on the market at the moment .
2 The most famous of criminology 's learning theories , differential association , highlights some problems that result from this uneasy relationship between external and internal factors that have been used to distinguish learning from invention .
3 Here are some problems that have confronted scientists in the past .
4 ‘ But there are some problems that are more difficult to solve than others , are n't there ? ’ he insisted .
5 That is the implication of a very suggestive comment that he made at the time to Edgar Faure : " At certain periods there are some problems that have no solution . "
6 There are some problems that have erm had come to light recently .
7 You should be able to solve some problems that have been bothering you for some time , especially those connected with your work .
8 There are very few problems that can not be overcome .
9 There is no reason to suppose , however , that unemployment among this group creates so few problems that we can ignore it .
10 However , there are a few problems that could hamper your enjoyment .
11 I read somewhere , at some stage , some problem that 's got rid of by using Share .
12 There was some problem that one of them went back and talked to , presumably dad , perhaps mum though , erm and came back with a lovely engineered solution , but that did n't matter — they had fun doing it and they had fun trying these things and , believe me , the answer were ever so close to what the design I was amazed with what they produced .
13 ‘ I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
14 Indeed , it was a consciousness of this problem that led to his earlier book , The New Theory of Vision .
15 So obvious is this problem that it did not really need a questionnaire to highlight it .
16 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
17 It is the resolution of this problem that groups such as the NVALA seek .
18 It is this problem that we shall have to investigate in some detail .
19 I look forward to hearing of a way out of this problem that is keeping the Boys Brigade in Waltham Forest on dry land .
20 It was to address this problem that AEA first developed a series of power fluidics devices including valves , pumps and diverters which , with no moving parts , were effectively maintenance-free .
21 Tell me , Juliet , would you hesitate to tell your own doctor this problem that 's worrying you to death ? ’
22 No , I think that all women in all jobs , and particularly in professional jobs , have this problem that at a time when you should be doing your perhaps your most original work , building up your reputation , then you 're also tied up with problems of looking after children .
23 She had not come here for that ; it was another problem that she must take on , but not now , not here .
24 Another problem that the Home Office faces is the 3 per cent of listeners who can not get good reception from the networks as they stand at the moment .
25 Incontinence is another problem that can begin by excessive alcohol intake .
26 Another problem that remains unresolved is the generality of the connection between psychosis and creativity .
27 Often there is another problem that clients have complained of ie sometimes the staff coming on shift are full of energy and very committed and full of ideas — the client , having just survived one shift with a previous enthusiastic staff , may be reluctant to start the whole process again .
28 Another problem that has beset the RMCs is that , instead of being financed from special , earmarked central or regional funds , they have had to derive the necessary resources from the parent institutions .
29 Segmentation is another problem that affects both media .
30 There was another problem that provided perhaps the harshest verdict on the government 's preparations — the drift-back to the danger areas .
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