Example sentences of "[det] people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For Europe , the nineteenth century was the great time when languages were identified and codified in single forms , minority languages in part eliminated , consciously national literatures and musics invented , and the territory mapped ( appropriately described as a ‘ father ’ or ‘ mother ’ land , even though very few peoples have occupied the same territory for more than a thousand years ) .
2 But while the battle goes on , the aid does not get through , and in Central Bosnia , a million and a half people depend upon it .
3 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
4 I mean , it 's like like Colin and I , I mean , like we 're happy but then , no were not hundred per cent happy at all , But like , er , like some people I ca n't if you get upset , some people eat more , some people eat less , or you know , some go into recluse , some get and like Colin ,
5 I mean , it 's like like Colin and I , I mean , like we 're happy but then , no were not hundred per cent happy at all , But like , er , like some people I ca n't if you get upset , some people eat more , some people eat less , or you know , some go into recluse , some get and like Colin ,
6 The Duchess of Gloucester and the sailing lady , Clare Francis , were among the speakers , and there was an interruption when some people staged a demonstration .
7 Right , Some people collect stamps from a particular part of the sheet from which the stamps are taken .
8 From time to time somebody would burst into song or laughter , and some people continued to whisper on and off all through the night .
9 Here , in Britain too , some people try to do that , though for most of us it is n't easy since we have no prosperity .
10 Nor can the horse hear so much when stabled , although some people try and overcome this deficiency by leaving a radio playing all day in the stable for the horse 's benefit .
11 Puppies do not grow into very large ears , as some people try to tell you .
12 But some people try to trick children into doing something by giving them sweets or money .
13 Some people try to keep their fish at a temperature of about 70°F ( usually in an attempt to reduce the electricity bill ) and then wonder why their pets are sluggish , wo n't feed , and do n't show any sign of breeding .
14 Some people try to force their partner to be the person they want them to be .
15 One of the greatest sources of human happiness is sexual love , and some people try to pursue this source of satisfaction above all else .
16 Some people try to introduce toys that do not reinforce gender stereotypes but , nevertheless , girls are much more likely to get dolls to dress up in the latest fashion , boys more likely to get toys for military-type games .
17 Some people try to use the escape hatch of saying that the problem is a religious one , but it is not , although there are substantial religious overtones .
18 This is not an experiment that can ever be done , although some people assume that certain remote and isolated faunas , such as those of Australia and Madagascar , can be treated as if they were ancient , as if a trip to Australia were like a trip backwards in a time machine .
19 Some people began to throw stones , the police hustled the teller off the pitch into a police car and drove him hurriedly away .
20 Why did some people move and others stay ?
21 Some people write atrociously .
22 Some people write " it 's cover " ( as in " the book has on it 's cover " ) , with possessive " it " followed by apostrophe and " s " .
23 I CAN understand why some people fear the Americans might have another Vietnam on their hands by intervening in Somalia .
24 Yet even at university , it may well still be a minority of departments that expect all mathematics students to use computers as a matter of course ; indeed , some people fear that higher education will be the phase most resistant to new IT , rather than the one that provides a strong lead .
25 And , from a broader perspective , some people fear that the ageing population of the developed nations will , if permitted unlimited access , consume resources in unaffordable quantities and will deny these and other benefits to younger patients whose claims may be stronger , both because of their greater life expectancy and because of their social responsibilities in terms of work and dependants .
26 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
27 While it is a fact that we often eat much more than we imagine we do ( try writing down everything you eat over a period of a week and prove the point ) , it is a fact that some people put on weight far more quickly than others .
28 Some people put some of the responsibility for the growing youth unemployment on educational inadequacies , giving sustenance to the Manpower Services Commission 's bid to control low-level post-school education .
29 Erm some people put forward a very strong argument for legalizing it .
30 It 's like a you want really where you put some people put .
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