Example sentences of "[det] time and " in BNC.

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1 In fact , you can just get on and off them a few times and they never seem to register the same thing twice !
2 He practised the phrase a few times and then stuffed the book back in the outside pocket of his jacket .
3 It meant driving up to the London Passport Office a few times and waiting around there for interminable periods , but I hoped that it was going to be worth it .
4 I woke up a few times and got Mum out of bed all bleary-eyed and irritable in her nightie telling her a bogey-man was after me .
5 Most young people who try sniffing ( and remember , those who try sniffing are only a small minority ) will only do it a few times and stop without any help from adults .
6 I 'm very upfront about being happily married — I 've brought Nick into the office a few times and I mention him in conversation whenever it 's appropriate .
7 I have been preaching a few times and invitations are coming in , so it is good experience for me .
8 I 've seen him a few times and he 's never made a favourable impression on me !
9 ‘ He needs to combine conciliation and compromise with a willingness to get mean a few times and draw lines against big business .
10 ‘ I 've spoken to him a few times and he 's the epitome of a true warrior .
11 He simply shook his head a few times and went on grinning .
12 Storms Morrissey , at No 23 in the charts with former band The Smiths ' This Charming Man : ‘ I 've met Vic Reeves a few times and I ca n't believe he 'd do something so hurtful .
13 You were right about him being mentioned in the Eye ; appeared a few times and I got the cuts up … ’
14 " Oh I 've been 'ere a few times and I 've heard some bleedin' awful screams comin' out of that room .
15 He cleared his throat a few times and groaned like an aged dog in pain .
16 They thump your chest a few times and call the old crash unit and then they grope around for your pulse , but it 's a very amateurish affair really . ’
17 Every time he walked that 's him come back again and every time he stopped it stopped and this happened a few times and he was very scared and he thought he had better go and see what the noise was and anything well it was just a pet sheep tangled up in its tether .
18 I only saw him a few times and he seemed to wander around in no-man 's land half the time doing bugger all .
19 he assaulted me a f few times and the last time he did it I involved the police and he was in court last Thursday and he was found guilty of assault .
20 As it had been hired out for stage work a few times and was n't perfect the selling price was thirty-five pounds .
21 You 'll need come a good few times and give it three four six months .
22 Same as sex , you got ta try that a few times and then find out if you like it !
23 That is , in addition to the tendency to feel tired because we have been awake a long time , there is some rhythmic change that decreases our fatigue at some times and increases it at others .
24 We are concerned if we perform badly or dangerously at some times and the effects of poor performance will also be of interest to managers and the general public .
25 Without them the phrase ‘ extra-judicial documents ’ would appear almost unlimited in scope , while its French equivalent ‘ actes extra-judiciares ’ has been given , at some times and in some jurisdictions , a narrow and technical meaning .
26 Irregular employment and unemployment were also important , more at some times and places than others .
27 She had undressed many men , she had read somewhere that nakedness was safest , because with the mystery gone humans were just humans , not that exciting , nothing special , and she believed it , for some times and for some human beings .
28 Jamie Richmond added another on the stroke of half time and Gert Jan Vreevurg brought the score up to 7-0 with a slapshot from the point .
29 The Wallabies led 33-3 at half time and finished 46-13 winners .
30 offices as well , but erm , and I know she 's half time and some offices have only got a quarter , but as I say , she 's the busiest person I know and , and she 's
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