Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] must " in BNC.

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1 The Politburo , reviewing the talks , described them as a ‘ major political event ’ and thought particularly significant the two leaders ' declaration that a nuclear war could not be won and must never be fought ; this was at odds with the views of some influential US ( and Soviet ) strategists .
2 Roof panels had also distorted and must be replaced .
3 The only conditions of this contest are that the piece must be largely turned and must be a toy .
4 Did he realize what she had seen and must acknowledge ?
5 Eating behaviour is disturbed and must be the focus of explicit attention .
6 Two amending Directives to the Fourth Directive have been adopted and must be implemented by 1 January 1993 .
7 This period must be completed before the application is made and must be without a break .
8 The SPR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SPR .
9 The SSR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SSR .
10 Since 1907 the law has permitted the formation of ‘ limited partnerships ’ , which must be registered and must consist of at least one general partner , who is liable without limit , and of one or more limited partners , each of whom is not liable beyond the amount contributed by him on entering into the partnership .
11 He ran back and into the house , first to his own room , and then into the other half of the cottage , feeling a strange compulsion to find something , as if there were some crucial thing , upon which everything else depended , which was still hidden and must not be left behind .
12 It should be worth waiting for the last in which Mick Ryan 's Les Amis ( 3.40 ) is well drawn and must be fancied on her two lengths defeat of Quinta Royale at Folkestone .
13 As the investigators are themselves out-group members , they can not have reliable prior intuitions as to the social meanings conveyed and must investigate these by observation and analysis .
14 SIR , — In your April 24 editorial you state that the risk for patients exposed to an HIV-infected healthcare worker ( HCW ) can not be accurately calculated but must be small .
15 If you were disqualified and must pass the driving test again the two year period begins when you pass the test .
16 Other technologies — Object Linking and Embedding and Dynamic Data Exchange for instance — are well established , but are single-user based and must be heavily modified to become network aware .
17 The existence of disability must be demonstrated and must also present a substantial handicap to the individual 's life .
18 All users are asked to adjust to the idea that work , once entered into LIFESPAN , can not be retracted but must be made harmless in some other way .
19 But murder it is , and whatever leniency is called for must find itself reflected either in a verdict of not guilty by a jury , despite the facts , in the sentence of the court ( though in England the sentence is at present fixed by law ) , or in the exercise of some executive discretion .
20 For social workers the task is likely to be primarily to act as co-ordinator of services , but the counselling and supporting role for carer and cared for must not be overlooked .
21 Thus the person being cared for must be receiving attendance allowance , in recognition that s/he is ‘ severely disabled ’ ; the carer must not be in full-time education or earning ( from April 1992 ) more than £40 a week ; carers can not take more than four weeks ' holiday in any six-month period , nor can the disabled person be in hospital for more than four weeks at a time .
22 They must have known and must have had present to their minds all that .
23 Kevin Ball ( centre back ) : A knee injury received in the semi-final victory over Norwich threatened to wreck his Wembley dream but he has recovered and must be the leading contender to partner Anton Rogan in the centre of the defence .
24 ‘ Even salmon , ’ he assured me , ‘ but of course those are protected and must be thrown back .
25 Nevertheless every choreographer creating this kind of romantic ballet today has to spend much time creating the proper gestures to replace the words , which in such ballets are never spoken but must be understood .
26 Thus corruption can not be reformed but must be destroyed .
27 We stand for solidarity between workers of all races and colours and we are opposed and must stop unscrupulous politicians and racist groups using the race issue to divide working people !
28 Either way , it is a smash hit and must n't be meddled with .
29 The same irony is enriched and plangently deepened in another fine poem by Tate of the same year , in which once again the many Virgilian echoes point to a deeper affinity — with the fable of the Aeneid as making more sense than he can find anywhere else , for the historical predicament that the American Southerner has inherited and must make sense of .
30 Dependence Social power exists only in interpersonal situations ; others are involved and must be dependent on the skill , knowledge , strength or whatever of the powerful .
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