Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] government " in BNC.

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1 Almond and Verba found that having been taught about government increases a sense of subjective political competence .
2 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
3 I erm think that that is quite useful research that has been undertaken for government , and it it has been carried through , er as I 'm sure everybody is aware , into the U K strategy for sustainable development , the consultation period of which is just concluding , erm I wo n't take you any more of the panel 's time to read that quote as it 's written in my in my statement .
4 In West Germany , on the other hand , there has been greater emphasis by unions upon legislative enactment to further their general objectives since , historically , the unions accepted the republic created after World War I as being ‘ their ’ state and consequently pressed for government legislation in the social and labour field ( Günter and Leminsky , 1978 ) .
5 He pleaded that the time had come for government bona fides to be accepted at face value and reiterated , emphatically , that the fact that all South Africans should have the vote was no longer a point that required further discussion .
6 Many more applications to set up windfarms are expected following Government moves to encourage development of renewable energy sources .
7 The clash is expected to be resolved via government pressure and the spat is more sound than substance , say analysts .
8 The nineteen ports owned by the British Transport Docks Board were basically old railway ports and had come into Government control with the nationalization of the railways in 1946 .
9 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
10 Britain , it is suggested , suffers from an adversary form of Politics , in which a party formulates in opposition — largely for ideological and electorally opportunist reasons — the policies which are then carried into government .
11 In late 1917 , proclaiming Labour 's new commitment to ‘ the democratic control of industry [ through ] the common ownership of the means of production ’ , Arthur Henderson pledged the Party to ‘ strenuously resist every proposal to hand back to private capitalists the great industries and services that have come under Government control during the war … we do not mean to loosen the popular grip upon them , but on the contrary to strengthen it . ’
12 In countries where the political history or the voting system produces a myriad of parties , these are nearly always grouped into government and opposition .
13 All information on the incident has come from government sources .
14 In Britain the populist , anti-intellectual pressure has come from government instead of from the people .
15 Once installed in government , however , the Labour Party embarked upon an energetic legislative programme including the establishment of the Department of Economic Affairs ( DEA ) under George Brown with the remit of formulating a national plan , and the Ministry of Technology under Cousins , a leading light of the leftward movement in the trade unions since the '50s ; the repeal of the 1957 Rent Act attacked by Labour as a ‘ landlord 's charter ’ and associated with ‘ Rachmanism ’ ; the development of comprehensive education ; the development of regional policy in an attempt to alleviate the relatively high unemployment and slow growth of the depressed areas of the UK dependent on declining industries ; the 1965 Trade Disputes Act , which gave union leaders full legal protection from actions over breach of employment contract ; and the Redundancy Payments Act .
16 The OSI Network Management Forum has delivered its Omnipoint 1 reference model for builders of integrated management products : Omnipoint is a set of standards , specifications and technologies that were created by a broad coalition and it is referenced in the US government 's Network Management Profile , soon to be included in government procurement guidelines in the UK ; among the technologies lurking in there are CMIP/X.700 , SNMP , work from X/Open Co Ltd and the Object Management Group ; the specifications are due to be published formally in October , and the idea is that systems that conform to the Omnipoint specs will be able to interwork .
17 This is a problem which may be solved in Government time , ’ he said .
18 One reason is that interest rates are affected by government policy , so the cost of capital can be blamed on government ( ours ) .
19 The most important provision in this manual is that the system of cash accounting , rather than accruals accounting , is used in accounting for the money voted to government departments by Parliament .
20 As it was , they merely added to Government borrowing while allowing the recession to continue as before .
21 Under existing arrangements oil revenues were simply added to government revenue , and in recent years concern had grown among all political parties that the oil boom had led to wasteful investment .
22 So far few commercial companies have taken an active interest in pheromones ; in the UK most of the identification and synthesis is confined to government and university laboratories , notably the ODA Tropical Products Institute , the Agriculture Research Council , and the Wolfson Unit of Chemical Entomology at Southampton University .
23 MPs PROTESTED to Government law officers yesterday over jail sentences on two vigilantes who kidnapped and threatened a youth suspected of being involved in thefts .
24 During the election campaign in September , the PPP had objected to government measures such as a grant of Rs6,000,000 ( US$276,250 ) to each of the IDA candidates in Punjab for development and welfare work in their constituencies .
25 We have not , for example , looked at government training schemes because until very recently they did not feature very prominently in government policies .
26 Although local authorities are accountable to the local electorate , their powers and a significant proportion of their finance are derived ultimately from Parliament ( which in practice is invariably dominated by government ) .
27 If the House will bear with me , I too can give hon. Members an insight into the words on my brief by reading them out : ’ I should begin by saying that the Report stage was dominated by Government amendments , which I believe is rare .
28 Its 1985 report on the inner cities , Faith in the City , was attacked by government ministers for its allegedly ‘ Marxist ’ inspiration .
29 They had a brief existence from 1649 until 1651 and were constantly attacked by government .
30 The FPR 's Radio Muhabura , on the other hand , carried the allegation on Sept. 6 that the Front 's positions had been attacked by government troops , and the FPR denied that its own forces had been on the offensive .
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