Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His mind drifted over the people whom he had heard about for the first time that morning , groping for some sort of perspective .
2 Yep , now nowadays erm they 've got the best , I mean the equipment is excellent , er it came in my time erm my predecessor 's time and it 's been carried on now and new developments have come in , erm and with , of course techniques in , not only dealing with the chemicals in , in making safe afterwards which is twice as complicated I think , you know the decontamination side , the clearing up , the protecting of the environment from toxic chemicals er which we 've all heard about in newspapers , and read reports and seen it on television , these , these accidents up and down the world .
3 What have I been criticized for at work ?
4 The King was also widely criticized for in effect putting his conscience above his role as head of state .
5 Criteria for inclusion were : liquid stool incontinence for at least 12 months , frequency of incontinence of at least once a week , frequent severe urgency , and inefficacy of conventional medical treatment ( constipating agents , fibre supplementation , regular enemas ) given for at least one month by the referring physician .
6 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
7 For a start there were no agreed criteria for subdividing the cerebral cortex into regions , and criteria were not destined to be developed for about another century .
8 The 8765 MultiView is a new concept in sample in , report out , multitasking UV/Vis spectrometry , from Unicam , developed for high-throughout research laboratories .
9 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
10 The continuous variable weight for height expressed as standard deviation score was adjusted for in the analysis of lung function .
11 We calculated the possible effect of birth weight for a given age of gestation on FEV 1 using the example of two children of 38 weeks ' gestation with the same attributes adjusted for in the analysis but one having a birth weight of 2500 g and the other 3500 g .
12 These procedures answer the two questions as follows : take one point either side as local and treat as real an upward or downward change of direction which is sustained for at least two successive points .
13 The more she tried to be that person the more I lost my sense of who I 'd fallen for in the first place .
14 By 1926 , the London County Council were insisting that any new cars purchased by adjoining undertakings and intended for through running over their tracks , must conform very closely to their own standard design , namely their ‘ E/1 ’ Class .
15 Illegal shipments seized at customs went round like a kiss at a party — police , SAS , departments like the one Todd ran … then on to the people they 'd been intended for in the first place — the syndicates who brought them down to street level , street prices .
16 This has , of course , been recognized for over a century .
17 Placed between between East and West , its missionizing role was important in bringing further territories under the Latin Church rather than the Greek .
18 What I would see this policy as doing would be simply to bring an element of restraint er which er would be formulated in way in which it would within the local plans so that tight boundaries would be drawn around settlements , the rest of the land would be designated as under this policy as E two land and the debate as to whether the extent of that land was necessary or not would be negated because it would be subsumed as being there simply er meeting the strategic policy .
19 All the patients with stage I disease responded to therapy , and a complete remission was obtained in those ( n=4 ) treated for at least one year .
20 As a rule of thumb , a pre-sensitised board can be exposed for between 5 and 10 minutes using an ordinary UV light box .
21 It is , therefore , possible that NCp7 facilitates IN recognition of the DNA ends by binding to the DNA but leaving the ends exposed for IN cleavage and integration .
22 Conditions to be met are that the employee must be enrolled for at least one academic year with actual full-time attendance to average at least 20 weeks a year , and the rate of payments ( excluding university fees etc payable ) must not exceed £7,000 a year or the equivalent monthly or weekly rate .
23 The candidate and unit enrolment data is cumulative in that , for example , the courses enrolled for in 1991–2 will include the new Batch 2 courses first validated for that year — but will also include candidates enrolling for the second cycle of Batch 1 , the third cycle of Phase 2 pilots , etc .
24 CONTROVERSIAL plans to redevelop a dilapidated shopping arcade in a town centre have been delayed for at least a year .
25 Although the resolution authorized a governing body established in Geneva , consisting of all 15 members of the Security Council , to decide how much would be paid into the Fund annually , the United States had reportedly pressed for between 40 per cent and 50 per cent of Iraqi oil revenues to be diverted each year .
26 Although the results achieved by the Leeds adjournment system appeared to favour its widespread adoption , this has not happened , although adjournment has been pressed for in some parts of the country — for example , in South Wales — and has been regarded as useful in certain cases by many authorities .
27 Erm , he is erm regarded as in terms of erm , he tried so hard and just
28 And , I do n't know , it seems that actually you 've got a very good sense of using all those traditions to inform things that happen , things that you do and erm you 're not locked in being regarded as in that sort of tradition and the pressures that result from that .
29 Dovercourt was designed for at most 500 residents but was providing for up to twice as many .
30 Typically , most Windows spreadsheets perform better doing what Windows was designed for in the first place — graphical presentation .
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