Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 It has been completed bang on time and within budget thanks to a special task force which was set up to lead the complex engineering job .
2 The extent to which management powers over generation were devolved depended on the central triumvirate of Citrine , Self and Hacking , and not on a statutorily entrenched position .
3 In the config.sys file you will find many of the commands that need to be individually altered depending on the programs you are running .
4 These groups , like all élites , have no previous perception of themselves as belonging to the troublesome classes , and it does not do for the police to remind them that the application of control can be redirected depending on who is defining the ‘ illegalities ’ .
5 Food was placed to sizzle on the barbecue , and was turned with the help of long utensils , and as she worked beside Silas , moving rapidly to turn first one piece and then another , Lucy became conscious of a feeling of quiet satisfaction .
6 With experience the amount of fuel carried could obviously be adjusted depending on what length of trip you 're doing .
7 The amount of pamidronate given depended on the pretreatment corrected serum calcium ( CCa ) .
8 The chi square test was used to look for differences between tokens of the two word classes in two linguistic environments ; but decisions concerning the environments and the type of differences to be examined depended on a great deal of phonological , sociolinguistic and historical linguistic information .
9 Additional programmes can be developed depending on the needs and achievement profile of the student .
10 Although they did not offer any pathological data , they suggest that dilatation and curettage may be inappropriate in many cases and that guidelines should be developed to agree on the most appropriate patients for the procedure .
11 In addition , curriculum materials ( eg. , schoolbooks and broadcasts ) for use by pupils studying religious education and by teachers of religious education will be developed drawing on the project 's empirical research data and employing the project 's theoretical work in religious education .
12 During this time an overall strategy will be developed drawing on the experiences of the selected trial centres in order to provide a firm base for planning of the second phase which will begin in mid-1988 .
13 In the silence the sound of the sledge could be heard thudding on stones from one of the near fields .
14 Although I had not intended to work on her aura , my hands began to scan the energy field surrounding her physical body .
15 I am writing this letter in a personal capacity , but as Chairman of the Education Committee and a member of the Membership & Recruitment Committee , perhaps I am well placed to comment on the debate on entry requirements .
16 Councillor Stevenson is well placed to comment on the carpet as he was once a weaver at Stoddard .
17 Mr Rodney Graham , a fellow consultant at Guy 's , said Professor Keen had started legal action after discovering that Guy 's staff were being diverted to work on implementing the NHS proposals .
18 With a new applicant taking Yorkshire , with Granada strongly entrenched in Lancashire , and with ATV well placed to concentrate on the Midlands and give up its London weekend franchise , Rediffusion could reasonably assume that it would keep the London weekday contract and that ABC would move into the weekend slot vacated by ATV .
19 He knew the time because they had arranged to meet on the hour but he was a few minutes late and she was waiting .
20 Two policemen are killed during a break-in at the Presidio ( a San Francisco military base ) and a former military policeman ( Mark Harman ) is assigned to work on the case with his former commanding officer ( Sean Connery ) who he hates .
21 Advanced Micro says a number of its personnel will be assigned to work on a full-time basis at Hewlett-Packard 's Deer Creek Research and Development Facility in Palo Alto , California over the next two years , although some tasks associated with the project will be handled at Advanced Micro 's Submicron Development Centre in Sunnyvale .
22 Based in Paris and working under Professor I. Rasool , it is intended to concentrate on managerial and policy aspects of the task in the first 2 years ( 1990–92 ) but then to expand considerably thereafter .
23 But little of the earnings trickle downwards : most of the foreign currency earned goes on imports of food and goods demanded by the predominantly white and affluent visitors .
24 Naturally these varied depending on the beliefs of the people in question .
25 Their levels varied depending on the course , but all had written and spoken assessment in both languages before being selected .
26 We boast in the Lord but watch carefully that we never get caught depending on him .
27 But erm there , there are a couple of different rates at which er income support is claimed depending on how old the child is .
28 An area of the playground was allowed for this , though it was forbidden to slide on the pathways leading to the Boys ' Entrance and the Girls ' Entrance .
29 Differences were also reported centring on Soviet and Chinese fears that an immediate arms reduction plan for the Middle East would imply a freeze of Israeli weapons superiority over Arab states .
30 In addition , they will be expected to go on visits to their local Department of Social Security office , courts , industrial tribunal and other institutions that are relevant locally to the CAB clients .
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