Example sentences of "[coord] [was/were] to " in BNC.

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1 As far as the urban working class was concerned they may well have been better off in the fifteenth century than they had been previously or were to be later .
2 They were sui generis , and were to be justified by considerations of policy .
3 Yet the volunteers had been beavering away down there for two months , working well into the night on many occasions , and were to be there for many more months to come .
4 An understanding had been arrived at with the Danish Tourist Board that nothing of the fabric or the furnishings and fittings in either the Tuscan Villa or The Tamarisks should be altered ; the houses had been complete works of art when they were taken over and were to be respected as such .
5 The first official post after September 3rd confirmed what we were told might happen , we were no more members of the London County Council staff , but had been taken over by the government and were to be known as part of the Emergency Medical Service .
6 These consisted largely of ministeriales , tenants originally unfree ( see p. 113 ) , who in Germany and the Low Countries were assuming increasing importance , and were to be found most frequently on royal and ecclesiastical territories , improving their status by regular military and administrative service .
7 Then the ambassadors found their feet , and were to be seen at table , and occasionally with the King 's special officers .
8 The three cars on the Crystal Palace route were sold to Cohen 's at Thornton Heath depôt on 12 October 1935 and were to be broken up at Hampstead depôt , but they had to be held back until Crystal Palace route closed belatedly on 8 February 1936 , when presumably they were broken up in Penge depôt with the South Metropolitan cars .
9 Henceforth the states would have responsibility for local or regional broadcasting and were to be autonomous .
10 Among all the books which have survived — and nearly seventy have now been identified — there is not a single volume of the basic works of Patristic theology or of recent scholastic learning , which ( as we have seen ) were conspicuous in the library at Bec , and were to be equally conspicuous at Canterbury after Lanfranc had restored the library .
11 Great though improvements in European agriculture had been and were to be , it was industry which gave Europe world leadership , as it was later to give it to the United States .
12 The clauses under which Edward renounced his claim to the French throne and John renounced sovereignty over Aquitaine were excised from the treaty and embodied in a separate document which laid down that the renunciations were to be carried out no later than 1 November 1361 , and were to be conditional upon the transfers of territory agreed in the treaty being implemented by June 1361 .
13 Even at this early break in the morning , several husbands had lost bets and were to be glimpsed shouting at themselves in silence in corners .
14 Martha and Ann were orphans , and were to be given away by the lord of the manor .
15 Holford 's planners had to have a broad cultural background and were to be ‘ enablers ’ , building up from research and synthesis to a design end-product .
16 On the contrary , if the student body were to take its right to learn ( Lernfreiheit ) seriously , and were to be vigilant in seeing that it enjoyed the kinds of academic freedom I spelt out earlier , it would necessarily take on an assertive role .
17 One was that PNP appointees were ‘ real ’ teachers , not supplies or ancillaries , and were to be treated as such , even though their roles might be more diverse than the traditional anchor of class-teaching .
18 They were taking a trip to Canada and the States and were to be staying with Cassie 's Canadian aunt and uncle .
19 The armed forces were cut by 265,000 personnel , to 3,993,000 during 1989 , and were to be reduced by a further 184,500 during 1990 .
20 Preliminary drafts of a bill repealing the Group Areas Act had been completed and were to be presented to the Cabinet in mid-January .
21 Two Germans were arrested in Bangkok in June and were to be extradited to Germany to face charges relating to Sonntag 's murder .
22 All three were fined a total equivalent to US$25,000 million in compensation damages to the state and were to be held in solitary confinement at the naval base on San Lorenzo , an island off the port of Callao near the capital , Lima , where they had been tried .
23 The competitors were in various categories for judging and were to be judged by professionals specially flown in from the States .
24 In the first district ( A ) all services provided by its own units were deemed to be " core " by the DGM and were to be supplied within the district " come hell or high water " .
25 General elections were to be held in October and were to be accompanied by a two-part referendum .
26 The second set of compulsory powers were not to become operative until the ‘ second appointed day ’ and were to be brought into effect only if it appeared ‘ that it is necessary in the public interest to enable the commission to obtain authority for the compulsory acquisition of land by a simplified procedure ’ .
27 This was in The Little Review for May 1919 , where Williams was taking issue with praise of Eliot by one of Pound 's British friends , Edgar Jepson ; but Williams 's hostility to British culture ran deeper than that , and was to be a permanent feature of his outlook .
28 Mr Porras , considered a chieftain of the Medellin cocaine cartel , was arrested on Thursday in the northern town of Tulcan , about 10 miles from the Colombian border , and was to be handed over to Colombian authorities ‘ as a show of Ecuador 's support ’ for the drug crackdown , an Ecuadorean spokesman said .
29 Despite his busy schedule , he made time to visit the conference ‘ Geordie night ’ — a gathering of north eastern MPs and activists — and was to be found one evening at the Brighton Trade Union and Labour Club with his friend Michael Elliot , a political comedian with whom he toured the coalfields during the 1984-85 pits strike .
30 The second method was more peculiar to Morgan and was to be the source of many controversies in his time .
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