Example sentences of "[coord] [am/are] give " in BNC.

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1 The Earth 's own magnetic field has a pulse frequency of 10 Hz ( 10 pulses/second ) and it has been found that if patients are placed in magnetic fields of around 10 Hz , or are given electro-acupuncture at 10 Hz , healing can be speeded up .
2 The hypocrites take , or are given , all , and once they have it , show their real selves .
3 They either share the children 's room or are given " quarters " , normally small , box-like rooms either on the roof or behind the kitchen .
4 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
5 Over one thousand of the three and half thousand Old Somervillians have given or are giving to the Appeal .
6 Both are moving and sincere pieces , finely crafted , and are given well-prepared performances by , respectively , the Robert de Cormier Chorale and the Washington Cathedral Choir .
7 Some , like Philip H. , will develop symptoms , while the majority give and are given no indication that the disease has spread to the nervous system .
8 UDCs are the most controversial of the urban innovations , and are given separate consideration later in this chapter .
9 The corporations are imposed by central government and are given powers of land and development that have been seen as ‘ staggering ’ ( Cullingworth , 1985 , p. 282 ) .
10 Unconditional strokes come with no strings attached and are given simply because a person is OK with you , warts and all !
11 They stand in water , which corresponds to their boggy native habitats , and are given additional light overnight to supplement the illumination from fluorescent strips ; such are the practicalities of plant-of-prey nurture .
12 Other variations can be observed and are given in full in Tables 4.2a and 4.2b : the rise in median income earned in the North Side was markedly low , but concealed a degree of polarisation .
13 Every carp water has ‘ known ’ fish that are caught regularly and are given handles relating to some physical peculiarity : so we have ‘ Nelson ’ ( one-eyed ) , ‘ Smallpecs ’ ( little fins ) , ‘ Gutbucket ’ ( self-explanatory ) and ‘ Basil ’ ( a fawlty-pounder ) .
14 Our regulars come in , nod , put down a pound and are given a tumbler of the fizzing pick-me-up with no words being spoken .
15 They are usually stuffed away in dark corridors or storerooms that are of little use to the centre itself , and are given low priority , so receive only small funding .
16 In sum , alongside group orientation and dependence , individualism and autonomy are significant components in the psycho-cultural dynamics of life in a Semai community and are given explicit cultural expression in notions such as pehunan and segat .
17 where corporate information is revealed legitimately to an underwriter , accountant , lawyer , or consultant working for the corporation , these outsiders may become fiduciaries of the shareholders … [ they do not actively solicit or acquire inside information ] but rather they have entered into a special confidential relationship in the conduct of the business of the enterprise and are given access to information solely for corporate purposes .
18 Figures for 1971 are available on both bases and are given to indicate the potential disparity .
19 Similar arguments might be advanced with respect to the measures of economic deprivation , which are presented as items five and six in table 9.7 and are given extremely low weight in the assessment of GRE , compared with the multiple use of housing indicators and of measures of ethnic origin .
20 These results have been confirmed using simulation techniques , and are given in Table 6.5 ; they should be compared with Table 6.4 .
21 Barristers are specialist consultants and advocates , and are given exclusive rights of audience in the superior courts ; this creates a class of specialists whose services are available to all solicitors .
22 Au these possibilities are recognized in EC competition policy , and are given exemption from Article 85 so long as certain safeguards are in place .
23 Of the fourteen female characters in the book , eight remain nameless ; of the twenty-three male characters , only three fail to gain an identify in this way and are given no name .
24 It also ensures that all outcomes are covered by the assessments and are given the right emphasis , whether the assessment is knowledge-based or practical , achieved in the workplace or in a classroom .
25 All new employees are introduced effectively to the organisation and are given the training and development they need to do their jobs .
26 The last few questions were omitted from the last Journal and are given here .
27 Add to this that today 's stars are fit and positive , as well as the thought that they now use almost illegal high-tech equipment and are given every new creation to experiment with , such as metal heads , weird shafts and incredible balls , and it 's no wonder they find the perfect combination — for them .
28 Secondly , ensuring the disadvantaged and less powerful are not excluded and are given a chance to express views by such methods as public inquiry techniques , workshops , seminars , and local opinion polls .
29 Nowadays they get in free and are given VIP passes ( access to all areas ) , but tonight the five mates with whom they 've driven the 150 miles from Southport have all been refused entry by the Ritzy 's management for being under 20 .
30 Final-year students undertake design projects using CAD , prepare a research thesis in a topic of their choice , and are given a choice of specialisations including Geotechnics , Structures , Hydraulics , Environmental Engineering , Transportation , Fire Safety Engineering , Pollution Control , Fire Hazards to the Environment and Energy Resources .
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