Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] need " in BNC.

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1 Eden 's remedy was to encourage departmental ministers to bring to Cabinet or Cabinet committee ‘ any questions which are likely to occasion public controversy or criticism or may need to be carefully explained to the Government 's supporters in Parliament ’ .
2 Occasionally there is a strong reason for weaning from the breast as the mother may want to return to work , or may need to be separated from the child for some reason .
3 And for this ministry ‘ the director needs , or might need , the total picture … because all aspects of life might impinge on the development of prayer ’ .
4 The Government indicated that implementation of a number of recommendations was subject to resources becoming available or would need to await an appropriate legislative opportunity .
5 Are there particular points you need to go back to , or will need to find out more about ?
6 Globe artichokes are sprouting new leaves and may need protection from frost in cold areas .
7 The girl 's father , who was driving , escaped with relatively minor injuries but another passenger , an eight-year-old girl , suffered lacerations to her face and may need plastic surgery .
8 For example , she may be required to take an assessment of her nursing skills for examination purposes during the allocation , and may need extra help for this purpose .
9 Nevertheless it is not something that we can ignore , for the teacher needs feedback from her students ' performances in order to judge the effectiveness of her teaching and may need to know that students have reached certain standards before progressing to more difficult work .
10 The new parent is often unprepared and may need to turn to books for help wit the words and games needed for those periods of child bouncing , rocking , and cuddling .
11 Such people can be a great trial and anxiety to their family and friends , but they suffer very badly and may need psychiatric help before recovery takes place .
12 This discussion should include other professionals in the multidisciplinary team and may need to start with a recognition of their own feelings , before meeting with the old person concerned .
13 Some parents do not like disagreeing in front of an outsider and may need permission to do this .
14 Children go through defined periods of oppositional behaviour and may need humouring out of them .
15 Children with glaucoma at birth often have below normal vision and may need continued operations to keep the pressure at a safe level .
16 Peter 's situation illustrates the fact that patients who spend very little time in hospital or have minor procedures performed still have anxieties and may need a great deal of help both before and after discharge .
17 Office , status , and the possible roles they confer are highly culture variable and may need general discussion with students .
18 Some of the modern hymns have a very shallow doctrinal content and may need to be rejected for that reason , whatever their other virtues .
19 for car drivers the danger to others is an important consideration and may need to take priority over the need for maintaining independence .
20 Staff need , however , to strike a delicate balance between giving optimistic support and encouragement on the one hand and accepting on the other that some individuals do not wish to , or can not , change as a result of disability and may need to be helped , therefore , to cope with permanent social impairments and distressing symptoms .
21 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
22 A plan may be designed as a five-year plan and may need changing after one year .
23 Be aware of the fact that the last word may sound different , especially if it is a tone language ( list intonation ) , and may need to be listened to in another position in the list .
24 In others , you will have to make the lists from your own check lists , and may need to ask your language helper for more words with the sound in a certain position .
25 The grammar and lexicon may be incomplete for the task at hand and may need to be supplemented .
26 Service pipes can run the length of the house and may need insulating against frost damage where exposed .
27 The preferred approach is likely to vary between countries , depending both on market characteristics and corporate profiles , and may need to be modified slightly in the light of subsequent deal structuring recommendations .
28 Of course , organisms have to survive and may need to be , to have erm fitness in the sporting sense in order to have reproductive success .
29 Interest cover , for example , would not be so appropriate — the shareholder would be more interested in dividends and may need to look at alternative investment opportunities as well as the possibility of selling their shares at this stage given the results of Belper .
30 Pupils need an introduction to the topic , and may need background information to appreciate what they will see on site .
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