Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't how many of you have seen or heard reference to the recent Which report about estates and managing that .
2 But you were the same age , you might have known or heard things about her that adults would not know . ’
3 A child then might have seen or heard talk of acceptable violence because that was what war was .
4 In America it is widely used on the telephone system to inform callers of wrongly dialled numbers , engaged or withdrawn services and all the other announcements that would otherwise need constant human attention .
5 Dump alongside a barrowload of compost , peat or fallen leaves or , failing that , old newspapers or straw .
6 The legislative intention was to give rise to a charge whenever there was a change in the proportion of the settled property in which any participator was deemed to be entitled , whether the change had arisen on death , or on termination of the interest , or on a disposition or deemed disposition .
7 Example 3:7 Landlord 's power to break ( 1 ) The landlord shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than six months ' notice in writing expiring on or after [ date ] if he intends at the expiry of such notice either : ( a ) to demolish or reconstruct the demised property or a substantial part of it or to carry out substantial work of construction on the demised property or part of it ; or ( b ) to occupy the demised property for the purposes or partly for the purposes of a business to be carried on by him ( 2 ) The service of a notice under s25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be sufficient notice and good service for the purposes of the preceding subclause Example 3:8 Tenant 's power to break on refusal of planning permission The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than three nor more than six months ' notice in writing served not more than one month after the happening of any of the following events : ( 1 ) the refusal or deemed refusal by the local planning authority to renew the planning permission dated [ date ] permitting the use of the demised property for ; ( 2 ) the dismissal by the Secretary of State or an appointed person of any appeal against any such refusal ; ( 3 ) the expiry of the said planning permission Example 3:9 Tenant 's right to break preventing exercise of rights under Landlord and Tenant Act The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … by giving not less than thirteen months ' previous notice to that effect Example 3:10 Tenant 's conditional right to break The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … if : ( 1 ) he gives thirteen months ' written notice to that effect ; and ( 2 ) both at the date of the notice and at the date of its expiry there are neither any outstanding arrears of rent nor any subsisting breach of covenant by the tenant for which the landlord would be entitled to recover damages of more than a nominal amount
8 Yes as you say there there is a budgetary or pegged element in the original prices and we are , as part of the amendment to the contract to reflect the the revised programme er seeking to place the total of the price for the Eurofighter contract onto a maximum price basis so that there would be no er areas which were not capped .
9 Many have suspended or cancelled orders for new planes .
10 He should have arrived or rung hours ago ! ’
11 Applications continued to be reported into the 1970s , but a survey which covered 276 of the 500 largest corporations in America found in 1969 that 80% had never used or considered job enlargement ( Schoderbek and Reif , 1969 ) .
12 He would gladly have died or suffered hardship or privation for the truth ; but endless wrangling and prevarication on both sides made him ill , and distracted him from the ends to which he had dedicated himself .
13 The Course defines examinations as formal , invigilated , end of term assessments which can take the form of unseen or seen papers .
14 Open-air dancing under the floodlights , often in long mackintoshes and trilby hats , a fountain that fell from bucket to bucket like the omnipresent rain , a bewhiskered Emett railway , a tree-walk alongside a forty-foot Chinese dragon — people queued patiently to enjoy such simple pleasures whose lack of sophistication seemed very exciting to people , most of whom had never had a foreign holiday or seen café tables with coloured umbrellas or indeed any fresh paint for as long as they could remember .
15 United Distillers has however maintained or grown market share in a number of important areas , for example , Thailand .
16 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
17 Soviet writers claimed that the Western states were employing a whole range of devices to undermine the neutralism or proclaimed neutrality of the new states .
18 Had n't scattered monogrammed handkerchiefs about or faked alibis or carelessly dropped dated train tickets or shown knowledge he should n't have had .
19 She had assumed that because mother had n't wept or shown grief that her father had n't been loved by anyone but herself and her father 's parents , who wept copiously .
20 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
21 This fell into three categories : those who waited for applications to come from staff , those who nominated or requested staff to attend courses , and those who had a system combining the two :
22 A selection of fine-tipped artist brushes is invaluable for painting icing and marzipan with food colouring , and can be used for delicate detailing such as facial features or modelled figures and other objects , and for large-scale washed effects .
23 4 Make sure that the photography or drawn illustrations are in keeping with the editorial image of the magazine .
24 If he d had a paper and a pencil he might have continued his epic composition , or drawn sketches , but he had had no opportunity in this strange land .
25 Figure 9 is also incomplete on the output side : it has a system to mediate spoken output , but nothing to mediate written output or drawn output .
26 Now clearly we are not going to join the need to exercise , because Chairman no one has mentioned or drawn attention to the fact that the preamble to the budget paper contains a very distinct warning , that in addition to the estimated resource gap in nineteen ninety four
27 HP boasted that over 100 IBM customers had already offloaded or replaced applications from their mainframes over to HP business systems and servers over the past year , and quoted Dataquest figures that show 46% of mainframes sites surveyed in the process of downsizing .
28 Risk management is defined in BS 4778 as ‘ the process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence ’ .
29 The process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence .
30 Bound , edged , or bordered curtains , or all three , look sophisticated and beautifully finished off .
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