Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Women who have maintained and/or developed an extensive network of personal relationships in middle age are held to be most favourably placed in coping with the problems of old age .
2 The frames can be painted , papered or covered in with the walls or painted a contrasting colour or white .
3 That 's another thing you see that that that today you had a a tin ladle and it ever the ladle sort of leaked or developed a hole in ti you did n't discard it and throw it away , you used to go and buy what was called a , which was two little tin washers with a little bit of , I ca n't remember if it was f a fabric or or rubber , two pieces and you put one on one side and one the other and then a little screw and bolt went through , nut and bolt went through it and tightened it up and that stopped your leak , and that ladle then lasted a lot more a lot longer time .
4 ( 2 ) Where a member fails to disclose or furnish any information , document or other matter which he is required to disclose or furnish to the Company under Article 6 the Directors may resolve that no vote shall be tendered or accepted in respect of any share held by or for him until the member shall have disclosed or furnished the information , document or other matter required .
5 ( 2 ) Where a member fails to disclose or furnish any information , document or other matter which he is required to disclose or furnish to the Company under Article 6 the Directors may resolve that no vote shall be tendered or accepted in respect of any share held by or for him until the member shall have disclosed or furnished the information , document or other matter required .
6 An even better test is whether , after two years , the successful candidate is promoted again or given a larger international role .
7 either the fish is completely exhausted or given no time to gather its power , for I direct it straight to my landing net and it slips inside quite easily .
8 It was not scheduled or given an elaborate countdown and fanfare .
9 For instance , twice as many subjects in Wales were referred to a specialist or given an abdominal examination than in Humberside and Yorkshire , and half as many were prescribed tablets .
10 Buckley LJ in the Court of Appeal provided some useful guidance as to precisely what rights or powers the individual must have before he can be said to have transferred or given the opportunity to another person so that the other person can make the gain .
11 Time and again in the US we have seen people suffer long-drawn-out deaths plumbed into artificial heart machines or given the hearts of other species of primates in transplant operations .
12 He might begin with between one and four different sizes of tesserae — separated into heaps or placed a partitioned box — and would make more than he intended to use ( manufacture continuing as the pavement was laid ) .
13 Dawn has never bent or broken a feather in two and a half years .
14 This wire is connected with a Tell Tale Bell in the Signal Box at each end of the tunnel in such a way that upon the wire being cut or broken the bells will commence ringing and the Signalman is made aware that something has happened .
15 Because the internal fabric and walls of the flats always remained cold , it meant that when any warm moist air was produced when people breathed or boiled a kettle , the steam condensed on the cold surfaces which was the ideal breeding conditions for the fungus .
16 As times when you have been very busy and may have missed or delayed a meal , your blood glucose levels can fall .
17 Secondly , some people I spoke to thought that local planning had been slowed by uncertainty about last year 's general election and the possibility that a Labour government might have diluted or delayed the community care reforms .
18 Up to 50 per cent of people with heart disease or cancer could probably have prevented or delayed the onset of their illness if they had eaten a better diet or stopped smoking .
19 She has never hurled a grenade or primed a bomb in her life .
20 Some of the landlords had reduced or cancelled the rents this year ; but his , a near-bankrupt squireen in a mouldering mansion with half its roof gone , could afford no abatement .
21 Most of the summer breeding birds have either lost or won the battle for survival by then , common seal pups have been weaned and are now learning to fend for themselves .
22 Supporting players in the lineout can only move when the jumper has touched or caught the ball .
23 One advantage of secondary sources is that they are often easy to understand ; but a problem which can arise is that they may have altered or distorted the original idea .
24 Had letters published in a newspaper , or written an article or even a book .
25 The police are anxious to hear from anyone who has lived in or visited the house recently or who knows of anyone who has done so .
26 The readers who wrote to us could have read a book , heard a story , or seen a film , and then forgotten about it .
27 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
28 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
29 West Dorset 's most famous resident was Thomas Hardy and any one who has read his books or seen the films , such as Tess , will already have a vision of the landscape — probably of stark rolling countryside with constant rain .
30 Moreover , you must have heard about or seen the horsemen hiding in the trees .
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