Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] those " in BNC.

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1 As the crow flies , or rather those rooks in A. K. Savrasov 's famous painting , the distance south-east from Smolensk to Kursk is 480 km. , which is a fraction more than the distance due north from Kursk to Moscow , and 80 km. deeper into the provinces than Smolensk from the capital .
2 Such a breach not only leaves the company ( or rather those individuals who act on its behalf ) open to criminal liability under the CSA 1985 and civil liability under the FSA 1986 , but also to a claim by a corporate client for breach of its obligation of confidence .
3 Although the powers of intervention contained in the Act remain in the hands of the Secretary of State , or rather those of S.I.B .
4 Booker had been working at Liberal News and , after receiving a letter from Usborne , whose proto-satirical magazine Mesopotamia at Oxford had centred around Foot , Ingrams , and John Wells , the product hit the streets or rather those streets in South Kensington to which Andrew Osmond , another Oxford contemporary , chose to distribute it .
5 Since then , there 's also been erm , consultation as to whether that principle , or rather those extensions should be implied =plied to your other pensionable employee groups , i.e. teachers and firemen .
6 Those who have worked harder at their relationship , allowing it to change and develop ( or perhaps those who are luckier — whichever way one chooses to look at it ) may be content together but external relationships will still change .
7 And if you despair of ever getting the baby 's pushchair anywhere near clean , or perhaps those muddy football and rugby boots , just spend five minutes or so on them with the Steamatic .
8 Perhaps one of the most important groups for the stimulation of change is that which falls between these two poles : those teachers who I would see as belonging to the 25 to 35 year-old age group , or perhaps those who have not been teaching for more than six , or less than three , years .
9 We will help those that we have to help legally , or perhaps those whom people want to help , but we will not have foisted upon us those who come here for a good time and a good life .
10 In Third World countries , even or especially those only slightly affected by western economies , almost all active men and their wives and children are engaged in trade ; if we imagine the corn and wool from local sources , the oil and wine from further off , the spices from the Far East and the slaves from heaven-knows-where who filled the fairs and markets of Europe in increasing quantities in the eleventh and twelfth centuries — above all , if we contemplate the great stone buildings and recall the quarries whence came the stone — we can see that there is an immense effort here largely hidden from our eyes .
11 Yet there is limit to the world 's patience , or so those wanting tougher measures hope .
12 These devices can back up the whole system or only those parts which you specify , and are very fast .
13 Or only those detailed to keep guard against any hint of attack from Tuathal 's side of the river .
14 Finally , the user will be able to select whether all SSRs that reference a module in the structure appears in the report , regardless of version number , or only those SSRs which apply to the version number selected in the structure .
15 The user can also select whether SPRs for All ( A ) the modules in the Root Package structure are to be included in the report , or only those for modules in the Root ( R ) Package itself .
16 The user can also select whether SSRs for All ( A ) the modules in the Root Package structure are to be included in the report , or only those for modules in the Root ( R ) Package itself .
17 Finally , the user can specify whether he wants All(A) relevant SSRs included in the report , regardless of version number , or only those SSRs which relate to specific modules and version numbers which appear in the package structure ie. Current(C) SSRs .
18 Erm everyone or only those who meet a certain property qualification ?
19 To take out cover , farmers should call their group secretaries and inform them where and when the sale takes place , the number of pen cards needed , together with the chosen cover period , and whether insurance is required for all animals , or just those selling above a set price .
20 He should have the option of rejecting either all the goods or just those which do not conform to the contract .
21 Will all pensioners be covered , or just those on income support ?
22 Sooner or later those who are there will be forced to withdraw shamefully .
23 These visions constitute the starting point of tragic drama and must not be confused with the Apolline visions of the epic poets ( or equally those of the visual artist ) .
24 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
25 It is often held that this is the prerogative of governments , the economically or politically powerful , the leadership within the churches or simply those who can afford the means .
26 Or simply those local planning authorities within the county area with whom which the new settlement proposal lay .
27 Maths tuition can be tailored to the needs of people budgeting for the family groceries , learning to measure and switching over to metrication or simply those wanting to be able to help their children with maths homework .
28 When his daughter Nannette inverted that action to make her down-striking action , she included the check , completing her father 's piano action as he himself might have done had he seen Gottfried Silbermann 's pianos , or indeed those of Cristofori , rather than those of Johann Heinrich Silbermann .
29 Economically , in only a few cases will the conviction materially alter the performance of the employee or indeed those with whom he works .
30 The recruitment argument is spurious since our proposal does not affect any changes to the Grade 1 salary , or indeed those above , given that SMT salaries are not included in the SSC negotiations .
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