Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 I kept wandering around for a few hours , with no idea where I was or where I was going , then somewhere along the line I chanced upon an open space where there was the odd bench scattered here and there and I used one of these for my lie-down .
2 I suffered agonies of suspense in silence , for I never knew when or where I would see you again , or whether she would be with you .
3 You have n't even enquired about my holiday or where I spent it . ’
4 We sat on our stools and I smiled at him , thinking he was going to ask me about my dress or where I lived or something , and he said , ‘ Who 's your favourite philosopher ? ’
5 ‘ I was teaching , but one of the reason things worked out so well for me was that I did n't have to worry how I would eat or where I would sleep .
6 I must have fainted , and when I came to I did n't know who I was or where I 'd come from . "
7 You 've never asked me , not once , how anything has gone , or where I 've been or whom I 've seen . "
8 Ask me something else , like how the weather is or where I am or something .
9 You do me great honor in proposing me as your President , & if I did not feel that my acceptance of this favour would tend much to defeat the laudable object of your pursuit I should most certainly gratify my own ambition , & have the pleasure to preside at your meetings .
10 or cos I only speak
11 Stay at Ivrigar for a time , or until I deem it safe to return . ’
12 Or until I die , of course .
13 Of course she knew that Silas had inherited this property , but what she had n't realised was that I have the right to live in the house for my lifetime , or until I happen to marry again .
14 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
15 If I did it and it did n't come out as good as I thought , or if I failed , then I 'll deal with that , but until I take that chance I 'll never know .
16 If I can wave to that group of kids and they go home and talk about it , fantastic , or if I can just sign a measly bit of paper for a kid and he 's so stunned he ca n't talk , that really brings home to me what I am doing it for : because it really makes me feel good . ’
17 By next week there will be two rooms ready for occupation but whether I will find takers I do not know or if I will be up to providing the services required .
18 I do n't know if anybody would ever give me work or if I 'd find time to do it .
19 But , if you ever cause any more trouble , in any way to my family , or if I ever see you near our house , then I swear I 'll kill you both .
20 Or if I wanted a child , that might change my attitude .
21 If I want another book instead of the Editor 's Choice ( or if I want no book at all ) , I can say so on the form provided .
22 Or if I were feeling lyrical that day , I might write , ‘ It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing-organs in the sides of the abdomen .
23 It 's useful if people feel ill during services or if I want to rest before midnight Mass .
24 Or if I am I do n't feel it .
25 I lay there with absolutely no idea what I would be doing the following day or if I stood any chance of being selected by the Legion .
26 If I stay in my apartment , or if I go home to my house , I am lonely .
27 I , I 'm looking to see if Dr 's there because if he were me , or if I was him , I would say what the commissioner alleges is neither known nor admitted .
28 I nearly fell over him and he turned round , but I did n't really see his face in the dark , or if I did , I blocked it out I was so scared .
29 They went to get a bucket of water or if I said , Ooh you 're not looking
30 Good do n't forget if I go too quickly or if I give you too much say , Ooh hang on .
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