Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Scale 1/MPG appointees were recruited to a fairly open brief , which set out a number of options for negotiation between appointee and head : taking a class , releasing a teaching head , releasing other staff , working alongside colleagues in a ‘ support ’ role , facilitating and/or organizing school visits , covering for colleagues , and so on .
2 All examples show similar characteristics ; they are generally stone vaulted — an unusual feature in so early a period and rare in southern Europe — the majority have cupolas supported on squinches and/or intersecting barrel vaults ; the stonework is solid but crude ; ornament generally includes interlacing in bands of carving on stone borders and the patterns are made up from circles , diamonds or zig-zags — the interlacing is like a prototype of the later Romanesque basket work patterns .
3 Further information and/or booking forms , telephone Conservation Volunteers ( 0232 ) 645169 .
4 Make sure that the holes themselves are smooth by using a file and/or trimming knife to finish them off .
5 Sometimes these informal meetings led parents to form a task force to help meet a particular school need — covering library books , repairing and repainting of toys , making simple equipment or assisting teachers with classroom chores .
6 The Burkinabe government , however , denied harbouring or assisting subversives .
7 For most people the dread of being surrounded by contemptuous or accusing eyes ( a dread independent either of the awe of moral authority or fear of practical consequences ) is a weightier factor than all but their most basic needs .
8 Uniform provision of services as opposed to discrimination or targeting services towards groups with high needs become the norm .
9 Children who , for any reason , have difficulty in recognising or naming pictures are therefore likely to have difficulty with both these tests .
10 Mash tuns or Kieves ( a Dublin term possibly inherited from the 17th century Huguenot brewers ) are essentially great big strainers or filtering vessels where the mash is allowed to ‘ stand-in ’ , in much the same way as a pot of tea is allowed to ‘ draw ’ .
11 The BBFC aimed to ensure that British films were as bloodless as possible , contained no criticism of any foreign power and no attack on any established British institution such as the clergy or the judiciary , avoided all political , religious and social controversy , and did nothing that would risk causing offence or inflaming public opinion .
12 7fl oz ( 210ml ) double or whipping cream
13 Learn the easiest and most efficient ways of handling the patient , so that you can help him move about without hurting yourself or wasting energy .
14 She spread a towel out on the sand and sat down but , disappointed and now frightened at her own temerity , Liza began to panic , scarcely noticing Celia when she came staggering towards her , dragging slimy bits of seaweed or producing pebbles and shells in her small fat hand .
15 They have created new capabilities for the production of widening ranges of goods and services without paying the cost penalties or producing variety in yesterday 's inflexible plants .
16 Anyone convicted of possession , supplying or producing drugs illegally could be imprisoned .
17 However , the animals affect the plants , and the plants affect the soil ( for example , by providing protection against heavy rains , or by breaking up rocks with their roots , or producing acid which dissolves limestone ) ; and the plants also directly affect the climate ( for example by re-directing winds , or by transpiring soil moisture into the air ) .
18 They lack the pre-press capabilities of high-end packages , but are ideal for outputting to colour printers , or producing greyscale images for lasers .
19 17.32 Development in attainment target 3 is marked by : increasing control over the structure and organisation of different types of text ; a growing ability to handle complex or demanding subject matter ; a widening range of syntactic structures and an expanding vocabulary as the pupil begins to use language that is characteristic of writing rather than speech and to strive for a style that is appropriate to the subject matter and the readership ; a growing capacity to write independently and at length ; an increasing proficiency in re-reading and revising or redrafting the text , taking into account the needs of the audience ; a developing ability to reflect on and talk about the writing process .
20 The importance of looking for reasons to explain aggression or demanding behaviour is well illustrated in this case .
21 This is why a great deal of the best police research is based on the ethnographic methods of participant observation and in-depth interviewing , and why workers in several other unusual , off-beat , difficult , or demanding occupations have been studied ethnographically , such as lorry drivers ( Hollowell 1968 ) , coal-miners ( Dennis et al .
22 Ungrateful or demanding clients particularly in the — what was then — Department of Health and Social Security .
23 Unlike Tesco , he had not experienced a heavy-handed or demanding manner from any of them , and was convinced by the value of the work they had done , without expressing a preference for any particular one .
24 The pubic or ‘ crab ’ louse is one of three members of the family Pediculidae , a sub-group of the Anoplura or sucking lice , to be of clinical interest to men .
25 Turntable is recessed into oven floor and it can be switched off when grilling or microwaving food in square or rectangular dishes .
26 It speaks of authoritative directives being based on or reflecting reasons which apply to their subjects in any case .
27 But there are signs of haste in the recording or editing process — at 23'04 ’ in the first movement ( eight bars after fig. 69 ) the first piccolo appears to play G and A flat together , as though two takes have been momentarily overlaid ; then there is a stray timpani stroke at 9′52″ in the third movement , what sounds like a stray clonk on the xylophone at 3′54″ in the finale , and , most unfortunate of all , a discrepancy of tuning between the timpani and the rest of the orchestra later in this movement ( at 4′25″ , in the return of the introduction ) .
28 But where the inoffensive becomes disingenuous is when policies that are irrelevant are proffered as solutions , whether as fostering an entrepreneurial culture , minor training initiatives or financing property speculation .
29 With suitable detectors , in scanning electron microscopes or microprobes , some of these effects can be used for analytical or imaging purposes .
30 In other words , it 's the spherical centre of the axes or intersecting lines that the track control arms move along on the inward and outward strokes of the springs .
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