Example sentences of "[coord] [num] man " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes he would lay out in a row the seven or eight letters from the seven or eight men who he would most like to meet and talk to when he got to heaven .
2 Sabah , aged 28 , and his brother , ‘ Abd al-Karim , aged 21 , were both taken away from their home in al-Fahahil on 7 March by seven or eight men in masks and civilian clothes and one in military uniform .
3 Seven or eight men were running past us .
4 Four barricades , three of them protected by cannon , were built at the ends of the main streets , and 200 or 300 men posted at the bridge over the River Ribble , but no defences were built there .
5 Five or six men , horsed , masked and well-armed , burst from a clump of trees and bore down on them .
6 Within minutes , five or six men had taken off their shoes , rolled up their trousers and were wading in the icy water .
7 The DHSS had known the landlords were overcrowding their hostels , sometimes cramming four or six men in a room , and some were even lodged in an asbestos shed .
8 Sometimes a little block of five or six men would detach itself from the larger mass and drift off in the direction of the track .
9 Waiting lists of 80 or 100 men , many from outside Maidstone Prison , are commonplace .
10 ‘ I am talking of people of our calibre ; two or three men , a couple of hundred staff , good solid firms that normally do n't go bankrupt …
11 There would have to be several men involved in the racket , McCloy himself , two or three men to commandeer the lorry and incapacitate the driver as well as Hatton .
12 Another two or three men touched my body all over with about 11 burning cigarettes , continuously for two hours .
13 The women by the next couple of street sellers paused in their shopping to watch her pass and two or three men who had heard her conversation raised their hats to her .
14 A vehicle was heard in the alleyway , followed by the footsteps of either two or three men walking past the open door .
15 With three or four slips and gulleys , a short leg , a third man and a fine leg , there are only two or three men in front of the wicket ! ’
16 Many inmates in the local prisons spent almost all day locked up , two or three men to a cell intended for one , with no integral sanitation and little to do .
17 Some specialised in building boats quickly and had large numbers of boatbuilders but most docks were very small with a work force of only two or three men .
18 Oh er , oh yeah , got his place , well his men go round , he had got two or three men in every yard he has , .
19 There was two or three men that did like .
20 I designed and made the drawings for some jigs and we made them I 'd two or three men with me and they made these jigs and them underneath the sets .
21 ‘ Sit down and shut it , ’ growled two or three men , but the women were crossing themselves already and knocking over their stools in turning round .
22 Two or three men , besides her father , had seen her creep under the bench .
23 Moreover , by the 1780s each of the two departments of the ministry handling correspondence with French diplomats abroad included two or three men being trained for diplomatic work , though the training seems to have been more directly practical than anything Torcy had had in mind .
24 Whether you lived eight men to a room in partitioned huts or ninety men to a cold stone barn , this remoteness of the outside world was the conditioning factor of prison life .
25 Clearly the mines were once again working , and a year later , Gibson wrote again to Sir Michael in London , advising that there were 17 or 18 men constantly at work and that they were getting a good quantity of ore … about 15 tons were then ready for weighing .
26 ‘ Eight or ten men came to the training ground as we finished at about 12am and they wanted statements from all of us .
27 Or ten men working for three hours , that still gives you thirty men hours .
28 Seventy or eighty men were at the kill and most of them , like us , had heard the shooting from their homes and hurried over just in time .
29 There may be 40 or 50 men .
30 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
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